Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3462: Put jealous to the end

Chapter 3462 goes jealous to the end

The immense violent mystery, the time fluttered around the evil spirits that lingered around.

A dozen or so light **** that have not yet been merged with the spirit of the eye are also forced back by this vast force.


In the air, the species like the dragon and the dragon, slammed.

A deafening beast sounded.

The beast screamed and turned into a wave of air in the air, spreading toward the surrounding.

Emperor ink Xuan micro-peach flower pot, raise your hand, slender fingers, gently toward the front.

The arrogant mystery, madly spread in all directions.

It is easy to cover the beast and the roar of the air.

Under the night, Joe Rain, who was clamped down by the night, stared blankly at the sky, like a man of gods.

She can clearly feel it.

The man just lifted his hand gently.

The power that was released all over the world was vast.

She absolutely believes.

As long as the strength of the man, aim at her.

She has absolutely no room for resistance!

Thinking so, Joe Yu's face suddenly turned white.

Who is this man?

When did Wudi City have such a strong presence?

When did the emperor have such a powerful helper?

Moreover, the relationship between the Emperor and the man is obviously extraordinary!

Joe Yu gnawed his teeth: "The emperor falls, are you kidding me?!"

Qiao Yu’s sinister gaze squinted at the face of the city, and his eyes were full of embarrassment.

Just relying on this face, she cheated her big brother as a flower protector.

Now, relying on this face, I lied to a powerful mysterious man? !

A monk is a monk!

Qiao Yu was in his heart, and he was unwilling to vent his anger.

Hearing the sound of Joe Yu, the night fell deep and took a deep breath, trying to adjust his mentality.

A Xuan is in the battle.

She can't just stand by.

We must fight for it to destroy the karma as soon as possible and break the enchantment.

She took back her eyes and buckled Joe Yu's collar: "Where is the aunt and aunt?"

"You are not saying that this method is not set by me, then you ask me what to do?" Qiao Yuqie because of the continuous blood leaking from his neck, his face has been extremely pale, but his mouth is still stubborn.

The night is sneer: "Do you still say?"

Qiao Yuqi just wanted to speak.

A cold neck.

The sharp dagger, pulled up slightly, approaching the skin of her chin, close to a point.

Joe Yu's face was even more pale, and he couldn't help but burst into his mouth: "I don't know!"

"Oh." The night fell silently.

Immediately, the dagger directly pointed to the neck of Qiao Yuqi: "I don't know, then you will die."

The strength of the fingertips is increasing.

Blood rushed out, **** breath filled with breath.

Joe Yu's face became more and more pale.

The whole body was shaking slightly.

Realizing that the night is really going to kill her, the tone of Joe Yuxi suddenly changed: "Emperor! You obviously have a good man! I also seduce my big brother! My older brother does not recognize you for the six parents, do you want to kill? My eldest brother's only sister?!"

Joe Yu's voice is very loud.

Like deliberately, I want to listen to the man who is still fighting the spirit of the eye.

Listen to Joe Yu’s words.

At night, I want to slap a slap in the face of Joe Yu!

Ma egg!

Her home is A Xuan, but anyone who can knock over the vinegar jar at any time!

What is said that Joe Yuxi is really or not.

Emperor Xu Xuan will definitely be jealous and carry it out in the end!

It is already hard enough!

It’s even harder now!

The night was clear and expressionless, with a face: "First, he is my fiancé; second, your older brother does not recognize you because you do not want to recognize you. Third, there are many young ladies in Joe's family."


[Previously promised to have more than 100 monthly passes plus one more chapter in May. At present, 292 monthly passes, at the end of the month, the babies with monthly passes will take the monthly ticket, the monthly ticket will be added, and the end of the month will be completed! 】

(End of this chapter)

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