Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3457: Eye spirit

Chapter 3457, the Spirit of the Eyes

The black evil is still hovering.

The eye-catching look of the night is clear.

Just a fight.

The night clear can clearly feel in my body, the soul suddenly trembles.

Like something, tearing her soul.

This is to force the use of the array, to **** her soul? !

The night was cleared by this tear, and the painful face turned white.

A pair of charming, staring at the black evil in front of me.

Black light **** in all directions, one by one toward the evil dragon.

When I saw this scene, the heart of the night fell, and the inexplicable uneasiness jumped.

It seems that something ominous is about to happen.

"Fast! You must have broken your eyes now! Otherwise, your soul will be overwhelmed after the formation of all the media."

The old man said with a loud voice, his voice was full of confusion.

The night fell and fell.

This law, actually there is wisdom? !

Actually want to integrate other media to deal with her? !

It seems that the person who set this up and brought her to the law is to make up her mind and want her to die in this formation.

"Booming - bombing -"

Suddenly, a deafening sound of the popping sound made the entire array of films vibrate.

I saw that a hundred people gathered in the evil spirits.

The entire void space presents a feeling of grayness and black pressure.

In the vagueness, something like a dragon and a dragon is gradually formed...

"The spirit of the eye!" The old man screamed exclaimed. "Who is this set up in the end, even the eyes of the eye are awakened!"

The spirit of the eye?

It’s doubtful that the night is clear.

The old man simply explained: "The spirit of the eye is equivalent to the spirit of the artifact! But if the formation wants to form an apex, it will be a hundred times more difficult than the artifact!"

A little more popular is...

This array of methods has become refined.

Have your own intelligence.

It’s a long-term experience to clear the night.

Unexpectedly, the formation will also form an array.

"Can the spirits deal with it?" The night cleared and hurriedly asked.

The old man's tone is dignified: "Before the formation of the spirit of the eye, it must be destroyed! Otherwise... we will all be trapped in the battle!"

In the sky, the shape of the dragon and the dragon gradually became clear.

The night cleared and pinched the fan fan: "I understand!"

She was carrying her, not far away, worried about her emperor, looking at her.

The face of the man is cold, and the eyebrows are close together.

The eyes are full of worry.

Looking at his tight body, it was like suppressing his own emotions.

The night is clear and the heart feels warm.

Worried about her.

It is to let her grow and control her emotions.

This is also the trust of her strength and wholeheartedness.

The night fell to his lips, just want to speak, let him come.

In that evil spirit, among the species like dragons and dragons.

A slender figure jumped out.

The man was holding a long sword and the sword rushed over.

It is murderous and extremely flamboyant.

In the blink of an eye.

The night cleared and quickly stepped back, avoiding the offensive.

She frowned, looking at the sudden figure in front of her eyes, and her face was calm: "Joe Yu?"

In front of the woman, a white cloth that is not stained, the eyebrows are full of haze and sorrow.

The woman did not bring the veil, and the glamorous face was revealed.

From the perspective of a woman's eyebrows.

The night cleared the face and recognized the identity of the woman.

Qiao Yuqi’s eyes are full of viciousness, and there is a thick sputum, and it’s dead and clear at night...

(End of this chapter)

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