Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3453: Not willing to leave each other

Chapter 3453 is not willing to leave the other side

Emperor Xu Xuan looked at the back of her hurried leave, the smile of the eyes became more and more gentle.

He looked at it for a while and stepped forward.

The two walked side by side, releasing the perception and paying attention to the movements around them.

It is completely different from the lush forest in Xiya Mountain.

In front of you are a layer of mountains, rolling up and down.

The yin lingers, even the air, is infiltrated with the coolness of Sen Han.

A large expanse of hawthorn trapped several of them.

The night and the Emperor Xu Xuan passed through a lot of mountains and walked through the steep mountain road...

All the way down, the two did not encounter any danger.

However, they did not see any other creatures.

Even the breath of the creature has not been sensed.

No induction.

She has no way to determine where and how to be in the battle.

And, as time goes by.

The influence of this method on the night clearing is becoming more and more obvious.

It seems...

Designed to introduce her to this array of people.

I want to use the array method and **** her soul? !

At night, the Qing dynasty stopped and took a step, pulling the Emperor Xu Xuan to rest on a clean cliff.

After this journey, I went down.

It seems to go without purpose.

But the reality is that the mountain road and terrain of the entire formation are recorded in my mind.

This array seems to really want to trap her inside.

Unless you find a glimpse of the eye, break this array.


It is impossible for her to find her and her sister.

Not to mention bringing them back safely.

"Small fall." Emperor Xu Xuan looked at the girl's pale face, distressed, "I sent you out, the two people, I will save."

"A Xuan..." The night fell in his arms, and he looked up slightly and shook his head at him. "I want to save them, but I don't want to be in danger. I will leave you alone in such a dangerous and sinister poison." In the array, I am even more uneasy."

Emperor Mo Xuan is now a spiritual state.

The spirit is plain, in fact, it is the soul!

This array is used to **** people's souls!

In this battle, Emperor Mo Xuan has a lot of damage.

If she is very clear, before she left the battle, Di Mo Xuan is absolutely impossible to leave.

Otherwise, she had already let Di Mo Xuan leave the battle.

It is even more impossible now to let Di Mo Xuan go alone to find Yu and Gu Yu.

Emperor Xu Xuan sighed helplessly, gently licking her blue silk.

The two are opposite each other.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but laugh.

They are the same.

You can't leave the other person to stay in a dangerous place and leave alone.

"In this case, we have to forcibly break through." The night cleared and smiled. "Whoever makes us, no one can do without each other."

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled and nodded: "What do you want to do?"

At night, the long and narrow singularity, slightly stunned, the eyes flashed a trace of unseen streamrayed: "The formation is dead, people are alive."

Emperor Mo Xuan saw the idea of ​​falling in the night, lowered his voice, and smirked out: "It seems that there is already a way to do it?"

"It's not a solution." The night clears the hook and the curved bottom of the eye bends.

The terrain of this formation has formed a small map in her mind.

This array is an oval.

The layers of the surrounding hills, rolling hills, turned into a dot in the mind of the night.

Put all the dots, all with a thin line, all connected together...

It formed a strange totem.

(End of this chapter)

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