Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3449: I would rather bear it alone than look at you.

Chapter 3449 would rather bear alone than look at you.

At night, I took a deep breath and said: "I am not angry."

“Really?” Emperor Mo Xuan also licked the peach blossoms, and he performed the pure and innocent interpretation.

At night, I took another breath and took a fist: "Really."

Di Mo Xuan revealed a satisfied smile.

That smile, as bright as the warm sunshine, will make his face of the genius more clean and pure.

A pair of sparkling ink scorpions, such as water waves, are dazzling.

The night can't stand it anymore.

Raised his hands and covered them on the face of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Two small palms blocked the man's mouth and eyes.

"You hurry to say, I will be angry if I don't say it again!"

At night, I really feel that my emperor has developed more and more towards the fox.

From time to time, I will take a look at her.

I have to see that she was taken to the enchantment before she was willing to give up.

This enchanting, if you let others see it, you must not be shocked by the world?

Emperor Mo Xuan did not tease again.

His eyes are full of tender smiles, such as spring water, no match.

He tightened the girl, the low opening: "You calmly listen to me."

The night fell with my lips and my face was not happy: "I am calm now."

Emperor Xu Xuan licked her blue silk, and immediately released her body, taking a step back.

The night fell and fell.

The temperature of the man disappeared when he was stunned.

She has some inexplicable palpitation.

I want to reach out and grab him again.

However, halfway through, he clenched his fist and took it back.

She licked her lips and looked up at him.

Waiting for his answer.

After retreating from two steps.

The man gave a low laugh.

That laugh, there is a bit of helplessness.

He opened his arms.

Purple robes, no wind automatically.

Such as the flow of clouds, floating dust.

At night, the hand that pressed the chest was pressed tighter.

A pair of charming, staring at the Emperor Xu Xuan, even the eyes did not dare to lick.

Just at this time……

A cold cold wind whizzed.

The purple robe swings with the wind.

Posing with...

When the night fell, it was discovered that the body of Emperor Mo Xuan began to appear in the wind, slowly becoming transparent, as if to disappear at any time.

In particular, it is in the dangerous formation of this yin spread.

The emperor's body shape has become transparent, and it is even more like this method.

The hazelnuts that fell in the night were expanding.

A layer of water mist is covered in the fundus.

"You...you are now...the state of spirit!"


The Emperor Xu Xuan in front of him is exactly the same as the old man.

He is a spirit.

He turned out to be a spirit!

What exactly is going on?

"I guess, if you know this, you will be sad."

Looking at the girl's face full of shock, and a painful look, Emperor Xu Xuan helplessly sighed.

He went back to the night again.

With this translucent spirit, she is held in her arms: "I just don't want to see you sad, I don't want to tell you."

The man in the spirit state, the body is no longer the warmth of the past, but with a hint of coolness.

His cold kiss fell on her forehead: "I would rather bear everything on my own, and I don't want to see you frowning."

The kiss, as if a spring ice, followed the forehead and slipped into the body.

With the deepening of that kiss.

The man's body is slowly condensing again.

The temperature has gradually risen.

This man, even in the state of the spirit, has enough strength to let his own spirit change his form.


[Kiki's 520: Say to him three times, I love you (the emperor version)]

Fall: A Xuan

Emperor: Ah? [smile, smile of a dead man]

Fall: [Crazy in the heart] (Why are you so charming to laugh!) I love you.

Emperor: [slightly stunned] I am also [a smile of the dead]

Fall: (so calm?) I love you

Emperor: I am also

Fall: ... I love you [speaking a little want to slip]

Emperor: [A hand picks up] A small drop of children wants to run?

Fall: Who is jealous of you! Don't you have a reaction at all? Is there any other woman outside!

Emperor: Xiaoluer showed my heart to me, how can I not rejoice? So... [turned to the bed] I have to compensate you well.

Fall: I don't want it! I don't want to backache!

Emperor: Then I will lightly

Fall: Is there a difference? !


(End of this chapter)

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