Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3441: Trapped in Xiya Mountain

Chapter 3441 is trapped in Xiya Mountain

Qiao Yuyan did not open again.

The night was quiet and silent for a moment, and the smell of the **** mercenary group was detected, and it was farther and farther.

She did not pay attention to Qiao Yanyan, and quickly rushed in the direction of breath.

The wind, vaguely brought the sound of Chau Yan's low to sinking.


Very slight, very slight.

Almost, it is light and unspeakable.


What a pity?

The night was a bit embarrassing, but soon, it was thrown behind the scenes.

She quickly chased the past toward the front.


West Cliff Mountain.

This West Cliff Mountain, although named Mountain.

But at the entrance, it is a very dangerous and horrible jungle.

After the lush trees, it is a towering mountain.


Above the mountain, there is a very strange black yin floating around it.

When the night fell to the West Cliff Mountain.

In an instant, I felt that even the sky seemed to sink.

It’s heart-warming, and there’s a lot of repression.

This dense jungle is similar to the forest you saw before.

After entering the periphery, it is basically an old tree connected with a tree, covering the sky, the lush foliage, covering everything.

The only difference...

Probably this jungle, more like a wild jungle.

The dangerous atmosphere is conveyed in all directions, which makes people feel chilling.

After entering the Xiya Mountain, the look on the face became more and more dignified.

The hands hanging on the side of the body, from time to time, clenched and gathered.

It wasn't until the time when I walked into the jungle for a while, and the night was clear and I could see the distance, the layers of mountains.

Xu is on this road, the **** mercenary group has already cleared the route, and there is no danger.

Just go deeper.

The more I feel at night, the more I feel... the sense of crisis is strong!

The night is clear and the face is slightly condensed: "The danger of Xiya Mountain, your mercenary group should be clear. In the case of a shackle, is it so deep?"

The three mercenaries who walked in front of the face were very ugly: "We are here to do the mission, not to play."

"Since the mission is dangerous, you should not promise to take it with me." The night is clear, the original calm heart, and some restrained, uneasy jumping.

The mercenary who had been broken by the right hand heard the words, the pain of the arm, and the aggressive arrogance of the girl, so that the anger that was suppressed in his heart also came up: "What do you count, dare to gesticulate in front of me?!

Deputy...Gu, Gu girl will be trapped in Xiyashan, not because of the blood! But because of you, this waste brother! ”

He is angry and pointing.

His face was white: "I am trapped in West Cliff Mountain? For me? What do you mean by this? What happened?"

The mercenary snorted: "In order to pick what kind of grass, it is to match other herbs, you can consolidate your body!"

His sly look is like a zombie on his face, a pale white.

"Now is not the time to blame." The night cleared the shoulders of the slap, "Let's go and see."

He bit his teeth and nodded hard with red eyes.

The three mercenaries looked at the sly eyes, full of hate and disgust.

But I did not continue to open and move quickly toward the front.

The reaction of the mercenaries, the night and clear have been watching.

It is also more certain that there is definitely a close relationship between Gu Yu and the **** mercenary group.

Otherwise, among the ranks of the mercenary group, the second rank of the gold medal mercenary group.

Will you worry about an ordinary woman like this?

(End of this chapter)

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