Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3433: How is your hand so cool?

Chapter 3433 Your hand, how is it so cool?

Gu Yu realized that his appearance was not complete, and his eyes quickly looked at the closed door next door.

I am sure that I have not seen her now messy.

Then quickly rushed into the room and closed the door.

Clear at night: "..."

I realized now that I am very embarrassed?

The night fell and shook his head. He also walked back to the room and began to wash.

When the two people appear together in the lobby.

I have already cooked up and are making a lot of money.

Lao Lie was already sitting at the dinner table and began to eat.

The night fell to the other side of the table, the man who was drinking tea elegantly: "How come you early in the morning?"

Qiao Yuyan calmly put down the teacup: "Want to see what you want to get, let Jubao win the honor of the best trading house."

I didn’t answer the night, and I took a low head and didn’t know what I was thinking. I sat at the dinner table.

I quickly filled a bowl of porridge and placed it in front of the night.

Tightly, he took another bowl and placed it in front of Gu Yu.

Gu Yu just raised his hand and took the wooden chopsticks on the table.

This raises his hand and touches his hand.

The hand trembled, quickly put down the porridge and retracted his hand.

Qing Jun’s face, his eyes are drooping and erratic.

Gu Yu was a small man, and stood up and quickly grasped his hand.

The little white hand holds the big palm of the man tightly.

Although at first glance it looks extremely slim, his palm is half full.

Gu Yu was holding his hand in both hands and was able to clench his hand.

"How is your hand so cool?" Gu Yu asked with concern. "Are you staying at the medical center last night?"

The woman's delicate hands are silky and silky.

It also has a special fragrance of women.

I only felt that the hands that held me were like a fire, burning.

His heart was burned by this fire, and his heart slammed wildly.

what on earth is it?

Before tomorrow...

Even if they have more intimate moves.

He does not feel that there is any wrong or discomfort.

Why... Now, as long as Xiaomei is close to him.

He can't control his body, his own thoughts?

Is it because...there are other people present?

still is……

I can't think too much, and quickly took back my hand from Gu Yu's hand.

He bowed his head and his voice was low: "I, I am fine, don't worry, you can use breakfast soon..."

Gu Yuyi, coveted and looked at the hands that had been broken, the eyelashes shivered slightly.

Raise your head and stare at you with your eyes straight.

He was looking away from her, didn't dare to look at her, and went straight to the backyard: "I'm going to put out the good medicine and I will send it to the medical center."

After all, he rushed into the backyard.

Gu Yu stared at the back of the cockroach, the look on the face, some of the subtleties that could not be said.

She was so embarrassed to stand at the dinner table.

The night fell to her side.

I can clearly feel the body of Gu Wei shivering slightly.

The night sighed and sighed, stretched out Gu Yu’s sleeves and pressed her into the chair: “Don’t push too tight, fill your stomach first, and you’ll be busy for a while.”

Gu Yu did not speak, lowered his head, and some mechanically picked up chopsticks and boring his head.

Looking at the unruly Gu Yu, the night fell and sighed and patted her shoulder.

Drinking porridge at night, while looking at Qiao Yuyan: "Is there anything in Wushuang City... a woman with a birthmark or other marks on her face?"

(End of this chapter)

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