Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3429: What is the extent of the Hell House?

Chapter 3429 What is the extent of the Hell House?

"What is the reason for that?"

The night is very curious: "I still say... you know because of my relationship with Axuan. In order to please Axuan, I will be so good with me and I will be so good to me?"

Lao Lie directly turned his eyes: "Is the Hell House like a place that will be related to other forces? I admit that the Emperor is indeed very strong and noble, but the degree of **** has always been an independent force. It is absolutely impossible to Who to please and who to cater to."

Oh, this tone is full of pride.

There are also smug little eyes.

It’s like you can’t wait to tell the world that his **** is not the same as the glamorous goods outside, it’s so beautiful.

Ok, although I don’t know too much about the Hell House.

But the night clears also admits that the Hell House does not seem to conquer the emperor, but condescends to be expensive and follow her.

It’s even more curious to think of it at night: “Then why are you, will you help me?”

"Do you really remember?" The old white eyebrows were screwed up.

The night cleared the chin: "What should I remember?"

"The people in the dark palace want to use the Hell House to help them make a ghost candle. If you and the Emperor of the Emperor are helping each other, I am afraid that the entire Hell House will be a candle."

Lao Lie Naizi explained: "At that time, our Hell House said that the Hell House owes you a human condition. As long as you come to the realm, there is no need, and the Hell House will do its best to help you."

Zhang Qing’s mouth suddenly cleared his mouth and said: “It seems that there is such a thing...”

"In your eyes, what is the extent of the Hell House? You can forget even the people I promised to you?!"

When it comes to this, Lao Lie has some collapse.

How many people want to be in the hands of the Hell House, take a little cheap, the price may be to change.

He took the initiative to open his mouth and owe the night to clear a favor.

When people turn their eyes, they will forget the Hell House.

The baby is in the heart!

The night cleared down and coughed down: "You can't blame me for forgetting. Who made the reputation of the Hell House not drop, you said that I owe me a favor, I didn't expect the Hell House to really return my feelings, after all... ...the **** is even if it’s not a word, it’s normal.”

"Where is it normal?!" Lao Lie patted the table. "Here the Hell House is overbearing, it is savage, it is not murderous, or it is an experiment." All kinds of bad things are done, but... Hell House always obeys committed to!"

"Yes, yes, I know now, I know." The night fell and raised his hand and surrendered. "Don't shoot, the things here can't stand your strength."

However, this palm is shot down.

In addition to the heavy table sound.

The table is still solid and there is no feeling of shaking.

The old fraternity only took a shot at the table, and the strength was not small.

Ordinary tables, how much will be affected by this palm.

The night fell like what I thought of, raised my hand, and slowly touched the table where the tea set was placed.

Knock your fingers and knock on the table.


This table looks old on the surface.


It is a table made of fine wood.

Wood like this material is generally at least a family, a wealthy businessman, etc., can only be used...

At night, I licked my lips and looked up at Lao Lie: "Today, let you go to Xiyashan with the donkey and collect medicine. Secretly observe her whereabouts. Do you have any special discoveries?"

(End of this chapter)

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