Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3423:

Chapter 3423

Looking at the night of the spirits, Qiao Yanyan pointed to himself: "What about me?"

The night fell to him and smiled: "The young Master Joe is of course going back to Joe's house to rest. The treasure is too small. Even the place where I sleep with Lao Lie is not. Isn't Master Joe want to leave a bed with Auntie? ”

Qiao Yuyan: "..." He chose to refuse.

The two people still eating, when they heard the night clear, this reaction.

Jubao is too small.

Remove from the lobby.

There are only two resting bedrooms, plus a very narrow yard.

It is true that there is no place to stay in the night and live in the old.

I immediately put down the tableware and stood up. Some embarrassed wiped my hands: "Yes, sorry, I didn't think so much... To be like this, you...you live in the room, me, I am in the yard. Stack some grass, sleep..."

"I am sleeping in the room, what about it?" The night clearing the corner of the mouth with a few ridiculous laughs.

I obviously didn't find out: "Sleeping in my room, she used to sleep on my side, it's okay."

The night was clear and long, and the long and narrow sighs.

Immediately, it looks like a smile to Gu Yu.

The eyes of the straight hooks will look at the face of Gu Yu.

Gu Yu buried his head and slammed a few mouthfuls of rice. This raised his head and his voice was still low: "It doesn't matter, you live in my room. I will take medicine in the West Cliff Mountain for a few days."

"This is too dangerous, I don't want it!" He immediately screamed, "It is dangerous enough in Xiyashan during the day, and it is not dangerous at night!"

"Hey brother, don't worry." Gu Yu put down his chopsticks and shook his head. "I promised you, I won't let myself fall into danger, I will do it."

"Hey!" Frowning and serious.

Gu Yuchao smiled at him: "If you don't ensure my safety, I won't tell you about it. I saved a former mercenary leader, you remember."

He nodded: "You are talking about the second-ranked gold medal mercenary group in the mercenary group rankings - the head of the **** mercenary?"

"The **** mercenary group has several missions in recent days. I want to enter Xiya Mountain. I took the opportunity and the head of the team raised it. The head of the team promised to bring me and protect my safety." Gu Yu shot him. Hand, "The **** mercenary group protects me, I won't have anything to do."

He looked at the situation, but his eyes were still extremely worried and looked at Gu Yu, and did not want to agree.

Upon receiving the attention from Gu Yu, the night cleared the Qing Zizi: "Cough, I am quite in favor of going to Xiya Mountain to collect medicine."

"Right right, Alu agrees." Gu Yu hugged his arm and put his head on his shoulder. "Hey brother, I am not just for the treasure. First, we have not Excess spar, buy the herbs on the formula, go to Xiyashan to pick the herbs, it is more cost-effective. Second, under the protection of the blood-colored mercenary group, I can enter the deeper layers of Xiyashan, it is possible to impact my Pharmacist level."

Her head, on the shoulders of her knees, arched again: "You promise me, promise me..."

The woman's delicate body leaned against her side.

The ear is a woman's soft voice.

The face of Qing Jun, who couldn’t help but float a circle of blush.

He knows that between him and Gu Yu, men and women are different and should not be so close.

But the body has become accustomed to the closeness of Gu Yu.


[emmm, I want to write a pair of different CP~ Queen 兮 撩 撩 pure little 笙! The girl is awkward, the boy is pure and ignorant of hhhh, and it is very loved to write! 】

(End of this chapter)

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