Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3417: In front of my face, splashing my dirty water?

Chapter 3417, in front of my face, splashing my dirty water?

Lucheng’s main mouth also laughed: “The gambling between the Emperor and the Princess of the Rain is just a verbal elaboration, and there is no clear rule.”

He had a meal and smiled more succinctly: "The rule of the gambling that the emperor said is to destroy the rules of which one is destroyed."

Clear at night: "..."

Old tycoon!

Actually, such a serious and shameless game with her!

It is no wonder that in the twenty-first century, everything should be written in black and white.

I’m so angry, but I still have to smile.

The night cleared and smiled: "The mysterious woman couldn't help but tell people to go to Jubao to find trouble, but also to call and fight and kill, but also to seize the Jubao trading line, is it considered to destroy the rules of gambling?"

Lucheng master smiled and glanced at the Jubao trading line, and looked at his eyes again: "The boss is not injured, and the Jubao trading bank has not been shackled. The city owner can't rely on the one-sided words of the emperor girl, and doubt the Yu Yu Princess. ”

Clear at night: "..."

This blink of an eye is a slap in the face.

I heard this at night and could stay calm.

But I couldn't help it immediately: "What one-sided word? I was not hurt, Jubao was not shackled, it was because Alu protected me and Jubao! Do you want evidence? You look over there!"

The cockroaches pointed around, and the people who were injured by the rain of Joe, lay at least a hundred people on the ground.

There are still many people sitting weakly on the ground.

"Those people are hurt by the rain princess! They are witnesses!" Big eyes, fangs and teeth.

Lucheng master just glanced at him and smiled unchanged: "Is it?"

He smiled and looked at the people there, raising his hand at random.

A guard grabbed a person and brought it over.

"Where is the injury on your body? Is it a rain princess?" Lu Chengzhu smiled at the city people and asked.

The pupils of the city were enlarged and their faces were white.

The eyes, subconsciously looked at the direction of the night clearing.

Just took a look.

In the future, I can still convey the emotions of my eyes.

The body slammed into a series of pains.

The screams of pain in the mouth of the city people, looking at the landlord with fear: "No... not a princess..."

"Who is that?" Lu Cheng’s idea looked at the night and cleared it.

The face of the city people became more and more pale.

However, even in this severe pain, the city people are still hoarse voices: "It is the grass people themselves... their own injuries!"

Lucheng’s face was slightly sunk.

When I was about to open my mouth, I suddenly fell into a sweet fragrance.

The figure of the girl, I do not know when, is already close.

The slender hand of the night cleared the body of the city.

The five fingers moved a little.

The city people have already separated from the restraint of the guard.

The night cleared the city people, and faintly carried: "Isn't Lucheng Lord think that I am a fool, or do I feel that I am alone and bully? In front of me, I threaten the city people and want to pour dirty water on me. I don't know if you are such a dog's leg for the mysterious woman, the mysterious woman will not be grateful."

Her tone is full of sarcasm.

The narrow and charming, slightly rising.

In the enchantment, there is a chilling cold.

This gaze makes the back of the landlord cold.

He frowned and stepped back subconsciously.

The look on his face was also awkwardly coagulated on his face.

The night is clear and indifferent, the lips are light, and the tone is cool and chilling: "The landlord is best to find out..."

(End of this chapter)

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