Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3378: Our trading bank, I want to work with you.

Chapter 3378, our trading bank, want to work with you

"Zhongcheng will detain her outside the door, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, no one can guarantee that she will enter the trading house, whether it is stealing guests or cooperating with the trading house."

Joe Yu's look is full of arrogance and ridicule.

"Right right! The big master is also saying this!" Yu Yuwen finally found a gap that can step on the night. "Lian Yujie’s sister thinks so, the monk must want to go to the trading bank to steal things! She entered the trading house, which is to ensure the safety of other customers' spar!"

Qiao Yuzhen did not believe in the night, and there was something that could be used in cooperation with the trading house.

If so.

It will not make yourself so embarrassed.

It seems that the ridicule of Joe Yu’s eyes is clear, and the night is clear and laughed. The look is plain and there is no point in paying attention to their remarks.

"I didn't even enter the door of the trading house. How do you know that I don't have anything to do with the trading house?"

"If you are so poor, can you have any good things? Even if there is, it is stealing someone else!" Yu Yuwen snorted. "Hurry up and take over. Stealing someone else's things! There is a rainy sister, no. In the city, no trading company dares to cooperate with you!"

The eyes under the veil of Joe Yu’s veil were slightly bent, and the arc of a half was cold.

Obviously, Yu Xiaowen’s compliment is the default.


The night fell and fell.

This Yu Yuwen has no brain.

Even the mysterious girl, Joe Yu, has no brains?

In the face of the Lord of a city, so arrogant, really good?

Although, no one in Wusong City dares to cooperate with her. This sentence is true.

Can be said to the face of the landlord.

It is not indirectly telling Lucheng: "You are in the status of an innocent city, not as good as a rain princess."

This is simply...

It is the last bottom line of the upper class!

The key is that Qiao Yuxi also has a look of "this is indeed true."

This is a high habit.

In her eyes, even the innocent city owner is not in the rhythm of the eyes?

At this moment, suddenly, in the crowd, a low voice, with a hint of uncertainty: "I... our trading bank is willing and willing to cooperate with the girl..."

That sound is very small.

But in this tense atmosphere.

It is clearly passed into everyone's ears.

Everyone immediately thought that they had got it wrong.

Rao was clear at night and he stumbled.

"Is there a trading house that wants to cooperate with the woman who has offended the Princess of Rain? Is it not to be killed?"

"Is this not to give the face of Yu Yu Princess?"

“Which trading line is it, is it stupid?”


Everyone talked a lot, looking for the direction of the voice.

Soon, I saw a road between the city and the people.

Just see the crowd slightly behind, a young man about 20 years old stood there.

He clasped his hands and stood up in a uneasiness.

The two hands clasped and kept stirring.

The face is full of fear of forbearance.

When you notice the sight of everyone, they are fixed on your own.

He is even more upset.

But the back is quite straight.

After seeing the man’s face.

The woman at the Zhongcheng Trading Bank greeted the guest with a mocking smile: "This is not the boss of the Jubao trading bank? Why, rely on you, and want to do it against Zhongcheng Trading?"

“Jubao Trading Bank? Where is that?”

"You haven't even heard of the Treasure Trading Bank? Is it the Jubao trading house that swindled guests with fakes at the auction conference five years ago?"

"Yes, that's right! It's the trading house!"

(End of this chapter)

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