Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3368: I’m arrogant and arrogant, I have to have a degree.

Chapter 3368 is arrogant and arrogant, and it must have a degree.

The words of a girl can be described as arrogant.

It’s not just a slap in the face of a big fight.

It was a slap on the face of Qiao Yanyan.

Near the entire trading line, there was a strange silence.

Yu Yuwen was so angry that she was shaking.

The face is distorted and full of anger.

The little monk, actually has a face to refuse the help of his brother? !

What does she count?

Can be partial, standing in front of the girl, Qiao Yanyan, there is no such thing as the refusal of the night, and the meaning of anger.

Instead, the low smile laughed out.

The laughter made the big family tremble.

Cold sweat, soaked the robes.

He clenched his fingers and tried to make his voice sound more humble: "Girl, this is just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding... It’s a small eye that doesn’t know Taishan, offended the girl, and asked the girl to make a small atonement. chance."

Said, the big master also arched his hands and bent over the night.

This move, to be honest, is indeed giving the night a great respect.

After all, Zhongcheng Trading Bank is the first trading house in Wuxi City.

In addition, Yu Yu Princess is the spokesperson of Zhongcheng Trading.

For the guests who come and go, it is natural to respect the big family.

Look at the entire innocent city.

It can make the big masters of Zhongcheng Trading Bank show good and flattering, and bend over to sin...

One hand can count.

But now, it is against a little girl, bent down, and whispered insults.

Although, this is because of the lack of Master Joe.

But in everyone's heart, after all, it is incredible.

Yu Yuwen was almost mad.

Her eyes were red, and the tears of pantothenic acid rushed out, and she blinked at night, and she looked at her eyes.

Seeing Qiao Yanyan’s sight, it’s always on the night.

She clenched her fists and turned her head away.

As soon as I turned my head, I heard the sound of the young girl’s shame.

"Misunderstanding? I don't think there is any misunderstanding between us. The big man's apologize, I can't afford a little woman, and I don't want it."

This is an export.

Let Yu Yuwen's footsteps, a meal.

The sound of breathing around them has become more careful.

What the hell?

Did they not get it wrong?

The little girl did not accept the apology of the big master?

Still three times and five times of ridicule?

Even if you are arrogant, you have to have a degree? !

Silent and silent.

Yu Yuwen scared her eyes and twisted her face.

"The girl is very self-aware. You really can't afford it. The Zhongcheng trading company is a big apologetic."

Just then, a clear and beautiful voice rang from outside the crowd.

Breaking the silence at this time, weird.

The voice, not angry, and with great majesty, shocked people.

When I heard this sound.

Yu Yuwen’s eyes were steep and bright, and she was delighted to look at the direction of the sound.

The same face was surprised to see the big masters of the past, and the corners of the mouth could not be controlled.

Then, you can see not far away, under the crowd of city people, a bright white carriage, is slowly approaching.

Just when the carriage is about to enter the trading line.

A plain white hand opened the curtain of the carriage.

A slender figure, coming out of the carriage.

The woman was dressed in white, holding a delicate hairpin and slanting a few jade.

Dressed up, you can see the identity of the woman.

The small face was covered by a white gauze, revealing only a pair of imposing eyes.

Even the veil covers most of the face.

It can also be seen that the woman's amazing appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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