Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3349:

Chapter 3349

No, no!

This is not unrelenting.

She is only telling the truth.

"I am just too lazy to talk." Di Mo Xuan glanced again and lazily. "I have a leisurely run to me to move my hands and feet, up and down, and open the way to the Three Worlds Channel?"

Clear at night: "..."

Handing a foot to him?

Up and down?

Did he say that this sentence is serious?

Don't think she can't see it.

He is deliberate!

Obviously, she was spoiled by all kinds of spoiled, and it was accompanied by what it was, and my heart was very satisfying.

Also deliberately installed here?

Oh, man!

The night fell to the Emperor Xu Xuan, and he snorted and immediately stood up from him.

While patting the wrinkled robes, I looked at a group of people who were not serious: "Go and walk, open the upper three circles!"

Behind him, the man with a hollow mind hanged his eyes slightly.

He adjusted his posture.

It seems even more lazy.

He gimmicked, lazily watching the night clear, hooked his lips: "Are you doing this to me after I got up and down?"

It’s a good night’s sleep: “...” Is it so useful to use it?

Is this true Emperor?

Is this really Emperor Xu Xuan?

So skinny, not afraid of being embarrassed by her?

At night, take a deep breath and ignore him. Continue to move forward.

Emperor Mo Xuanpi for a while, it converges.

In the face of the night, Gu Ming mentioned Gu Jingyu, which really made him very unhappy.

But the girl’s gentle way of swearing.

He still likes it very much.

In the future, you can come a few more times.

If the night clears the idea of ​​Emperor Mo Xuan’s heart at this time, it is absolutely necessary to express the smile on the face, the inner MMP!

A distance from the emperor Xuanyuan.

It was only after the night fell.

She stepped on the ground: "Just here."

Here is the center of the two flower beds in the courtyard, and there are thick trees to cover them. If you look out from the courtyard, you can't see what happened at this position.

The people of the world group immediately followed the arrangement of the night and clear, and became a circle around them.

Ghost Wu and several others stood at the forefront.

After the station is arranged properly.

Emperor Xu Xuan has given four weeks to conclude an indestructible enchantment that isolates all connections between the courtyard and the outside world.

"Four holy beasts fit together... I am seeing such a spectacular picture for the first time!" Ghosts screamed and smirked, staring at the hands of the night, and didn't want to miss any details.

The Holy Beast is the treasure of the four sects.

It is impossible to see it on weekdays.

Not to mention the four holy beasts.

It’s not just the brothers of the group who are excited.

Ghosts and other people, when watching the night clear and take out the four holy beasts, can not help but straighten their eyes.

Especially ghosts.

That looks like it can't be controlled, and it's all about robbing the four holy beasts.

of course……

In terms of the urinary **** of the ghost.

He wants to **** the holy beast, not because of the power of the emperor's emperor in the holy beast.

But because of the bright light of the holy beast, it looks extremely luxurious!

Moreover, on every sacred bead, there is a drop of scent...

That is the blood of the Holy Beast!

Everyone stared at the holy beast.

I am excited and excited.

But there is some sadness and disappointment.

Ghost swims and reaches out, hooks the ghosts that are eager to move in the arm bend, and pulls the ghosts behind them: "Falling the hoe, I can't accompany you to the Three Realms, you must take care of yourself! Don't be there. Let me be a white-haired person to send a brunette..."

(End of this chapter)

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