Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3347: Jealous male ticket (for [Ban Hua Hua Kai] 10000 book coins to reward plus more

Chapter 3347 jealous male ticket (for [the other side of the flower open] 10000 book currency reward plus more)

Gu Ming licked the dry lips and nervously gathered the five fingers.

His gaze continued to move toward the side of Emperor Xuan Xuan.

Hesitated for a long while, he seemed to figure out what he was doing, closed his eyes and stalked his neck: "It’s not awkward. Since the dog Gu Jingyu was in the Imperial Palace, after I did those things to the Emperor, I will hold him in the dungeon. , strictly guarding... just, just..."

Gu Ming’s face is a bit ugly: “The dog valley mirrored him, and he didn’t know where he was before the war...”

Gu Jingyu is gone?

The night fell and frowned: "You are worried, will he be taken away by the people of the dark forces because of the identity of Gu Zongzong?"

Gu Ming shook his head: "The four sects of each of the appointed sects have a close relationship with Zongmen. I can sense that the dog is still alive..."

He hesitated to stop talking.

Yu Guang looked at the emperor Xu Xuan who had some bad looks.

The subconscious night is leaning against the direction of the clearing.

"If, if the dog is looking for your wife, you will also ask the lady to tell the dog, Gu Fengzong still needs him..."

After saying this, Gu Ming immediately bowed his head.

I don’t dare to look at the night again.

More precisely, I dare not go to see the face of Di Mo Xuan.

In front of the Emperor, I talked with the Emperor about other men's topics.

This is a death!

But Gu Ming has no other choice.

Gu Jingyu is missing, and there is no news for many days.

Even the battle that almost destroyed the world of Nirvana, Gu Jingyu did not appear.

He is really worried about the situation of Gu Jingyu.

And Gu Jingyu’s feelings for the night’s clearing...

He is aware of it.

I only hope that Gu Jingyu will also have a memory of the Qing Dynasty and will take the initiative to find the night.

"Oh..." this question...

The night fell and swallowed, and finally understood, why Gu Ming has been hesitant.

She Yu Guang, also glanced at the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Um... It’s really hard to look at.

The eyes were stunned, as if to teach her.

The night fell and smashed his arm, indicating shivering.

How should she respond to this question pinch?

If it should be.

I am afraid that Emperor Mo Xuan really wants to smash Gu Ming?

If not...

Looking at Gu Ming’s pleading eyes, she was somewhat soft.

After thinking about it, she looked at her death: "You can rest assured that you can see the Gu Shaozong, if you can, I will bring it!"

The voice just fell.

When the night falls, I feel the back, and the chilly coldness of the invasion comes.

"Cough... If you have nothing else, just leave, I have to be alone with the brothers." The night fell to the valley and made a look.

Gu Ming was full of cold sweats because of this request.

When he heard the night falling, he fled like a Dongjun monarch and left the courtyard.

It is like, there is a flood of beasts behind him, chasing her.

His face was cold and his eyes were like a sharp blade. He was covered in a low-pressure man, but he did not have an angry attack and went to chase Gu Ming.

Instead, I stared at the night and cleared it.

The atmosphere of the entire courtyard was enveloped by cold air.

Everyone desperately pressed down their sense of existence.

It means that you want to watch silently, and the skills of smoothing the night.

The night is still cold in the back.

There is a man who loves jealousy, jealous in minutes, jealous at any time and anywhere, really sang!

She straightened her waist, and Meixi also looked at the face of Di Mo Xuan, facing up.

Facing the pressure of pouring down, with cold eyes.

The night fell and strode toward the direction of Di Mo Xuan -


Make up [Bian Hua Hua Kai] 10000 book coins to reward and add more ~

Let's do this for the time being today~ I will continue to make up for the rewards tomorrow, what?

(End of this chapter)

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