Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3332: You are doing very well

Chapter 3332, you are doing very well.

The passage to the upper three circles can also be opened.

At night, I took a deep breath and calmed down my mood.

I watched the back of the Dongjun monarch and Gu Ming.

The night cleared the line of sight and settled in front of it. This row, the young girls who lined up straight.

In the daytime.

It seems to have returned to the magic class of Shang Xuan College.

In the clearing of the night, there is a feeling of inexplicable complexity.

There was also a bit of sourness, rushing into the nose and rushing into the eyes.

"This time, you are doing very well, perfect, let me see you after the growth... more perfect than I thought."

She spoke, her voice was powerful and extremely firm.

In my mind, it appeared before the time of the magic class.

In order to become strong.

For the collective honor,

In order to protect the people around you.

They fight for themselves.

That kind of hard work.

Today, she has grown into her big pride.

Witnessed their efforts.

Witnessed the results of their efforts.

In the heart of the night, in addition to moving, there is that kind of ... look like a child into a dragon, looking at the woman into a phoenix feeling.

"Clearly!" The crowd looked at the night and the eyes were red.

The first thing I can't help is to walk out of the team: "You just said, you don't participate in the celebration party, where are you going to go?"

The night fell to the Emperor Xu Xuan and took a look.

See the emperor's spontaneous stone table at the side of the road.

Sitting quietly there.

When a quiet beauty man.

At night, the eyebrows were dyed with a smile, and the fingers of the kiss were compared to the emperor.

This is the hook on the shoulders of the words, and smiles lightly: "You can participate for me."

"You just woke up and talked for more time." The purple voice of Xiao Ziqing came from the team, but the words were full of worry and concern.

The night cleared the words and walked in the direction of the team: "I know that you are all worried about my body, I am really fine."

Her gaze swept through the people in front of her.

The small figure that shrank in the corner of the team slowly moved out.

The girl looked up and her eyes were empty.

The expressionless face, but Loli came to make a **** face.

She used a consistent, rigid and poignant tone: "Do you want to go to the Three Realms now?"

Her words are exported.

The entire palace was caught in a dead silence.

The look on the face of the people has also changed.

The night fell to the forehead, raised his hand, and poked the girl's forehead: "I am still thinking about how to speak, you will tell me directly, is not to say that it is safe for me?"

The girl shook her head: "I don't want you to go, say it, everyone can stay with you."

"Shadow, what you said is true? Clearly going to the Three Realms?!" With his eyes wide open, he pushed open the arm on his shoulder. Hug the girl.

Mo Zhen shadowed the eyes of the godless, stiffly nodded: "It is true, clear and going."

The sigh of resoluteness, coupled with the helpless sigh of the night.

The hearts of the people, suddenly moved from the night after the wake of the wake of the movement, became completely lost.

Going to the Three Realms at night?

Then what about them?

Is it necessary to drop them?

Look at the momentary low pressure of the brothers, and the look of bitterness.

There is also a pair of twins, as if staring at the eyes of the minded person.

This makes the night clear, some helpless and distressed.

She looked up and looked at the crowd, her lips slightly, showing a bright smile.

"Yes, I really want to go to the Three Realms, so... everything in the lower bounds, please come to you."

(End of this chapter)

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