Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3328: emotional support? The light of hope?

Chapter 3328 Spiritual Pillar? The light of hope?

"It should be to leave the world of Nirvana." Yan Ziqing replied.

"Should?" The night was clear and doubtful.

The glass cat litter was in her arms, raising her head and saying: "You must not know your sister, after you and the emperor brother-in-law left, the battlefield became so shocking!

The ghost dean and the ghost doctors rushed over, the masters of the ghosts and the frivolous men, and the thieves, they joined forces! ”

When I heard these names, the night fell.

"They took out their hands, and the royal army brought by the emperor, all died in their hands! Master Ghost Wu also said that the emperor would be handed over to the above person!" In the eyes of the glass cat, almost all the stars flashed.

Handed over to the above person to deal with?

It seems that the behavior of the Dark Palace this time is to completely anger the ghosts.

"The royal army of the land was destroyed, and the emperor disappeared. There were only a few pharaohs who had been in the dark forces before, and there were still secluded women. The chills and the solitude led the soldiers, and the morale was greatly reduced."

Zhai Ziqing continued: "When this morale was greatly reduced, the three secluded eyes seemed to have received news that the palace of the dark palace had left the world of Nirvana and gave up the plan to invade the world of Nirvana... Just left."

The night cleared and nodded.

The three secluded should be the one who learned that behind the dark palace.

It will follow the departure.

The man behind the dark sacred hall found the presence of the old man and found out that there was a water bracelet on her body.

Later, Emperor Xu Xuan came over.

The man immediately fled the scene.

That San You also left the world of Nirvana...

This behavior has been clearly indicated.

The sages of the ghost hand five secluded mouths are undoubtedly the people behind the dark secluded palace.

The man eagerly fled.

And gave up the encroachment plan of Nirvana.

Is it really scared to be discovered by Di Mo Xuan?

Or... because I learned that she has a water bracelet in her hand, thinking about another... the way to grab the water bracelet?

"Whether the Dark Palace gave up the plan to encroach on Nirvana, for what reason, at least for now, the nirvana world... has been guarded."

佟紫晴 cleared the hooks in the night, revealing a very shallow smile: "The dark priests and the pharaohs have been solved in person by the representatives of the major forces. The dark palace is already in the nirvana. There is a resurrection, at least... In the future, when our world mercenary group becomes more powerful, there will be no such thing happening now."

"Yeah... At the very least, the current nirvana world has returned to peace." The night fell and smiled and stretched.

"Now all the people in the world of Nirvana have decided that the Qingren and the Emperor are the salvation gods who saved the world of Nirvana... They all think of the method and want to thank you." Ni Ruozhen is full of pride. Smile.

The night was gone: "This war is not against you, but also ghosts?"

She was joined by the Emperor and the Dark House behind the scenes, and took the Dark Palace with the method.

In this way, can you still be a **** of salvation?

The people of Nirvana should not be too mythical?

Still really regard her as a spiritual pillar, hope that the light can not be achieved?

"If you and the Emperor of the Emperor directly attacked the base camp of the Dark Palace and let the Dark Palace Palace escape from the Nirvana, this war will not end so easily." Ni Ruoyi explained the words of the people to The night is clear.

Clear at night: "..."

The people behind the dark secluded palace, obviously Mingdi is scared to run!

(End of this chapter)

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