Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3310: Danger

Chapter 3310, Dangerous Coming


As time goes by.

The yin of breathing at night is also increasing.

It is not only cold and cold, but it can almost leak out thin cream.

The head is also like a fine needle with a root, slamming into it.

She is tied, and her body is shaking.

The old man and Xuangui, constantly talking to her.

This is not the worst.

Over time.

Even if the night falls, you can even feel that the power in the body is gradually losing.

The silk chain of the wrist and the finger ring of the fingertips radiate heat.

It should be that her body is getting weaker, causing the body to be unable to withstand the power of two artifacts.

After the artifact power is gradually lost.

She is even more struggling with the resistance of the evil spirits around her.

Can't sit still.

But now, even with the move, it is extremely difficult.

at this time.

The night cleared the ears and moved sharply.

The small body of Xuangui suddenly grew bigger and blocked in front of the night.

"what sound?!"

The old man stood up and looked alertly ahead.

In the vagueness, it seems that there was a slight noise in the hall.

Then, the sound is getting closer and closer.

A black bright mangle flashed.

In front of me, two figures appeared in the air.

The two men were covered in a black scent.

In the black-eyed eyes, the cold cold mans flashed.


When the night fell to see the two, the face changed slightly.

One of them was thin, but the tall man walked slowly.

In the cold voice, with a chilling cold.

"The night is clear, I haven't seen it for a long time..."

The sorrow of the night was settled on the man.

The age of men is about forty.

The face, thin and only skinny, looks very mean and infiltrated.

Especially the black gas that is braving,

Let him be more and more stunned.

He licked his dry lips, his eyes were full of crazy smiles: "The night is clear, I am always there... I want to peel off your muscles, lick your skin, drink your blood..."

He walked slowly forward.

Export with her words.

The blackness of the body is even stronger.

It is all hatred and malice against the night.

"Heah, crane, Pharaoh... You actually fell from the Gan... to the dead body!" The night was clear and charming, sharp eyes, looking up and down the middle-aged man.

Since the battle of Xiqiao mainland.

She has never seen Crane Pharaoh.

More accurately.

It was the three pharaohs who escaped from the dark forces, and she had never seen them.

There are only a few holy laws, and they are more active in the dark house.

did not expect……

Here, I will meet the crane Pharaoh again.

The night can be felt, and the atmosphere of Crane Pharaoh has changed.

Not just breath.

Between the behaviors, the overflow of the rich, haze, Mori cold to the extreme!

"I just want you to die." Crane Pharaoh smugly smacked his mouth. "As long as I can avenge A Die, how can I do it?"

Obviously, Crane Pharaoh has fallen into madness.

His hazy eyes suddenly turned his head and looked at the side of his body. Like him, he was covered in evil spirits.

"Si Yan Mu, this is your enemy, have you seen it?"

The old sound of Crane Pharaoh is chilly, and with the meaning of incitement: "Your A-picture is to die in her hands. If you want to avenge your A-Ma, there is only a chance now."

At the side of Crane Pharaoh, the one who is also covered with yin...

Is it Siishi? !

(End of this chapter)

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