Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3303: Is this the purpose of the other party?

Chapter 3303 Is this the purpose of the other party?


After looking for a lap.

At night, it was discovered that there was no exit at all.

The whole hall is like a cage.

Remove the eaves from the two large skylights.

Nothing else was found at night... Any place that can communicate with the outside world!

She also tried and wanted to slip out of the skylight.

Just close to the edge of the skylight.

The old man nervously reminded: "Reverse enchantment! Shantou, the person who concludes this enchantment, the strength is above you! You can't get close to this enchantment!"

Antiphag enchantment?

I have heard of this enchantment at night.

It can be said that it is an extremely sinister enchantment.

If you are not a stronger person, forcibly break the enchantment.

If you are trapped, you want to escape from the enchantment.

Just touched the barrier of enchantment.

Eighty percent of the possibilities are swallowed up by the anti-phagic enchantment.

In other words.

The night was completely trapped and died in this hall!

Who is it... trapping her in here?

What is the purpose of trapping her here?

Is it... the emperor?

Or... is this a conspiracy of the dark palace?

The night of deep thinking is clear, and suddenly, in my mind, a dull pain hits.

She swayed and squatted on the floor.

She held her forehead with one hand and pressed hard.

"Master." Xuan returned to the worried opening. "The breath here is getting more and more gloomy. I breathe for a long time. Even if the master's willpower is strong, I am afraid... but I can't match the pollution of these breaths."

Xuangui’s voice is low and low, revealing a few points: “If... if you are with Suzaku next to the owner, it must have a way to wash the gloomy atmosphere here.”

Referring to Suzaku, the night is clear and the breath is slightly coagulated.

Indeed, if Red Flame is there.

Its flames and flames can purify the dirty atmosphere here.

It’s a pity... before falling into a coma.

She only remembers that Xuangui, who was in front of her, suddenly bit her sleeve.

Then...wake up again.

There is only Xuangui around.

And several other war pets.

Did not follow back to the pet space.


Hey, seven seven, Chi Yan and Qinglong did not return to the pet space.

This also means that they are left on the battlefield of the East China mainland.

There are three holy beasts, plus an evolving dragon leopard beast on the battlefield.

The odds of nirvana will be even greater.

"Don't blame yourself." The night fell and gasped. "With you, I am more secure."

The turtle shell of Xuangui is extremely hard.

It is stronger than the enchantment that resists the attack.

In this strange place, there is such a guarantee.

It can withstand deadly injuries and give her more opportunities to fight back.

The night cleared and adjusted the sitting position, and slowly sat on the ground to rest.

She shook her head hard.

I want to take the feeling of dull pain in my head to the back of my head.

"Taro, it seems that someone deliberately wants to trap you here, use these dirty suffocating, pollute your heart, and thus control you." The voice of the old man came.

His voice, as if it were a source of warmth, healed the dull pain in his head and bit by bit.

The night cleared the head and did not answer.

The atmosphere of this palace is getting more and more gloomy.

Full of arrogance.

Just around the temple a little, took a walk.

She is not just a dull pain in her head.

Even the heart is a little chaotic.

Is this...the purpose of the other person trapping her here?

Want to use this to pollute her heart?


[Mu An, who is crazy about Amway, in order not to appear that he has already provoked, silently went to see an idol trainee, the girl’s heart was provoked! A lot of handsome little brothers, be crazy! 】

(End of this chapter)

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