Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3298: Can you save me? This is the best laugh joke

Chapter 3298 Are you saving me? This is the best laugh joke


Among the mysterious mansions, where is the night clear figure?

Not just the night!

Even the figure of the emperor has not seen the trace!

"Little drop..."

The heart of Emperor Xu Xuan suddenly tightened.

The ominous premonition spread in the bottom of my heart.

He eagerly searched around and felt the most.

Can be within a hundred miles, but there is no sense of half a minute, the atmosphere of the night.

The disappearance of the night was also noticed by Ghost Wu and Pirates.

They looked at each other and looked at each other in the air. The arrogance was dark and dark, as if they had condensed the murderous spirit.

How could the night fall suddenly disappear?

How could it be seen under their eyelids?

What exactly is going on?

Just, can you still hear the sound of the night?


Ghost Wu and Pirates of the Holy Ghosts suddenly condensed, and they brushed their eyes and landed on the ghost king.

Stealing the face of the sacred, it is no longer the sling of the past, very serious stare at the ghost king: "It is you ... your goal is to ... let the dark palace people take the hoe."

Not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

Under the joint efforts of the two, the Ghost King has suffered many injuries and internal injuries.

I heard the words of stealing the holy.

He propped up the rickety body and laughed wildly: "Ha...hahaha...right! it is me! It is deliberately blocking the emperor, that is, deliberately let the emperor have enough time to take the little girl away! I am a collaborator of the Dark Palace. I am helping the Dark Palace. Isn't it normal? Ha...hahaha..."

The face of Pirates was suddenly stunned. He hurried forward and grabbed the collar of the Ghost King: "Is it really you?! Tell me, where the Emperor took the **** to somewhere!"

"I want to know? But... I just don't tell you!" The ghost king looked at the face of the thief, and he smiled more cheerfully. "Ha ha ha, I didn't expect it... the ghost of the gangster, now Actually, I would be so worried for a little girl... It’s ironic."

"Ghost King!" Pirates gnawed his teeth and licked his collar. He slammed hard. "Do you know how important it is to the Emperor of the Emperor! If you don't say the whereabouts of the girl, you will be an adult." meeting……"

Speaking of this, Pirates has carefully looked at the eyes at this time, it is already a low-spirited Emperor.

He bit his teeth: "At that time, I can't save you!"

"You save me?" The ghost king couldn't help but laugh out loud, and even laughed with tears. "You saved me? This is the joke I have heard in my life, the best laugh... Hahaha... You save me. You will save me? Ha...satire, it’s ironic..."

"Ghost King!" The Pirate St. was maddened by the ghost king, so angry that he did not know how to persuade him to say the whereabouts of the fall.

Ghost Wu raised his hand and put it on his shoulder. He shook his head at him: "Forget it, he won't say it."

"Can... Emperor..." Pirates clenched his fists and his muscles tightened into a ball.

"If the emperor is still sensible, look at the relationship between you and the classmates at night, maybe... will spare him a life." Ghost Wu faintly analyzed.

Pirates of St. saw the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan: "The appearance of Emperor Zun is not like a rational look."

The night falls and disappears under the eyelids.

How can Di Mo Xuan still be able to retain his reason?

"I won't say it... What do you want to know, I can't tell you, have the ability... You killed me, you killed me... Hey!"

(End of this chapter)

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