Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3294: Strong enough to make her boil

Chapter 3294 is strong enough to make her excited.

Emperor Xu Xuan loosened his arm and looked at her gaze, gentle and embarrassed.

"Everything is careful, I have been there." The man's low-mute magnetic voice, fluttering into the ear, like feathers, screaming the heartstrings.

Rao is the battlefield, how dangerous it is.

At night, the night fell, and the man’s eyes, and the hoarse voice, red cheeks.

This man, really is... will not let go of any one, marry her chance.

The night cleared and raised the red face, and gave him a look.

Immediately separated from his arms.

A vertical body, jumped into the air, straight up the back of the seven seven.

Then he was stunned by Di Mo Xuan.

This serious battlefield is almost becoming unremarkable!

The morale and fighting spirit of Nirvana is completely ruined by the two hundred royal troops.

She must set an example.

After all, in the eyes of everyone in the world of Nirvana.

She has become a savior.

Even if she does not want to be, what is this savior.

For the nirvana, she must also assume the responsibility of this title.

The royal army in the land is the mysterious person above the realm of Tian Xuan.

The realm of Tian Xuan, and the earth Xuan, Xuan Xuan, Huang Xuan, between the niches of the nirvana, although only a difference.

However, the strength between the two is a difference of ten thousand miles!

We must know that the whole world of Nirvana can become the realm of heaven and earth. Except for those high-ranking people who hide the mysterious steps, the Tianxuan Supreme known to all is no more than twenty people.

At the moment, from the land, more than 20 powerful and powerful Tian Xuan is the strongest.

It is still the kind of trained and strong army.

The strength of both sides can be described as a world of difference.


What about the difference?

Since the upper bound, and the balance historian did not intend to intervene in the ravages of Nirvana.

Then, on her side, it is completely possible... regardless of the balance of Nirvana.

Since the nirvana world is destined for a disaster!

Then, she let this catastrophe become a reincarnation of Nirvana!

Her home is not to say.

He will always be there.

As long as he is there.

She can take a hit with no scruples!

The opponent is very strong!

Strong enough to make her boil!

This feeling has been a long time... nothing has happened!

The night clears the corner of the mouth and evokes the cold arc of evil spirits.

At the bottom of my eyes, it also spreads the burning arrogance.

She rode seven or seven and circled the battlefield, circling quickly.

The fan-shaped fan in the hand jumps at the fingertips, like a fire elf, and the flames are in full bloom.

The mysteriousness of Tian Xuan Jiu Pin, in an instant, enveloped the entire battlefield.

The pressure that was also released by the Royal Army was also reduced.

The fan of the fan in the hand flips.

Flame flame blade, such as the sky girl scattered flowers, flying freely.

"Brothers, this battle, we must win!"

"War, maybe it will die, the nirvana may be destroyed, but... no war, we will definitely die! Nirvana's world will certainly be destroyed!"

"Our relatives in all continents will also be tortured to death because of our lack of war!"

"War, we may, there is still a glimmer of life, and there is such a ‘may’, ‘may’ existence!”

"Brothers, fight back! Take out your strongest strength and play your own ultimate strength! Guards belong to our territory!"

The sound of the night clearing the clear, with the mysterious, wave after wave.

Her voice is passionate and shocking.

It was in desperation, igniting hope for everyone!


[Writing the war has always been the weakness of Moye! Write a good card and a good card! Continue to grind slowly...]

(End of this chapter)

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