Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3285: This is our responsibility for the nirvana world.

Chapter 3285 This is our responsibility for the world of Nirvana

"Don't think we don't know what you are thinking!" The words screamed coldly. "If this battle fails, do you want to push all your responsibilities to the Qing Dynasty? Let the Qing Dynasty become a sinner of the ages?" ”

The eyes of everyone are dodging: "How, how can it..."

In fact.

They really think so.

The key to this battle is the nightfall.

If, this battle lost.

That is the responsibility of the night clearing!

However, in these words, they naturally did not dare to say it.

"Don't think that everyone is a fool! You are a group of shameless cowards! Put your hopes on a fifteen-year-old girl, don't know where you came from, and claim to be the representative of the major forces!"

The words are still angry at the indignation.

Suddenly, a fierce drink broke her voice: "Oh, enough!"

The voice, as cold as ice, is extremely majestic.

Then I saw Long Yun Zhan walk slowly, and walked to the front of the words, blocking the figure of several people behind him.

His blue-eyed scorpions are fixed to look at the representatives of the major forces in front.

The expression is indifferent and the tone is cold: "You, you must be very clear, this battle is not just a small fight in the private world of Nirvana, but involves the invasion of the upper three spheres and foreign forces.

I know that everyone in the room has family members.

Today, we fight not only to survive, but also to protect our families from the aggression of foreign forces and not suffer.

The reason why you are here is not because you want to drive outside forces out of Nirvana.

Are you standing here, not for your family, for your home, for our territory? ”

Obviously, it is just calm to the extreme tone.

It can be partial, but it can be easily carried out, igniting the depths of everyone's heart, the invisible flame.

As long as you are on the pair of blue and blue water.

I don’t know what to say.

"This war is not only the responsibility of clearing down, it is not only the responsibility of our world mercenary group, but also the responsibility of all forces on all continents."

Long Yun Zhan suddenly raised the book, the long sword pointed to the sky, the momentum is like a rainbow.

"This...is our responsibility for the world of Nirvana!"


The sky, a thunderous explosion.

Long Yun Zhan's body shape once again rushed into the battlefield.

"War! Fight for the nirvana!"

"War! Fight for your loved ones!"


The people of the world mercenary group also ignited the war.

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a high-pitched dragon screamed through the entire continent.

Then, I saw the dark sky, a giant, appearing out of thin air.

The cyan dragon scales, radiant, rendering the entire sky.

A huge dragon body, hovering over the horizon.

Vaguely visible, a figure of flames like a fire, suspended in the dragon body.

This scene makes all the people present, the pupils do not consciously enlarge.

Shock, horror, and incredible...

Various emotions spread.

Immediately, it was a high-pitched dragon.

Among the hovering dragons, a huge faucet was drilled.

Cyan faucet, cyan dragon horn.

The root of the dragon must be dancing with the wind.

As the dragon body circlingly swims.

In the air, the huge mysterious wave, a piece of shattering, and then another piece of repair.


It is a dragon!

Huge green dragon!


Is this also the pet of the night? !

Everyone is a surprise and a depression.

(End of this chapter)

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