Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3280: Hit the doomed

Chapter 3280 is destined to robbery

Emperor Mo Xuan will be quiet, after he gave it to Chi Yan.

Even if it is close to the night, it will be clear.

Stretching the arm, it will still clear the night of the hair, and into the arms.

A warm kiss fell on her forehead.

Dispelled the coldness of her body.

"A, A Xuan..." The night was clear and the eyes were shaking, and finally there was a reaction.

Her plain white hand grabbed the collar of Emperor Xu Xuan: "That, that person..."

Emperor Mo Xuan closed her little hand, gently pinched it, and the low dumb voice appeased in her ear: "The man, may be the person behind the dark palace, but it doesn't matter, there is me."

At night, I took a deep breath and calmed my heart.

This is the first time she has had such a big reaction when she saw a person.

That man...

There is a kind of powerful momentum that makes people feel awkward!

She can't restrain her emotions at all!

"Even you think that the person is very strong, visible... that person is definitely not just as simple as the people in the realm..." The night is clear and the lips are tight. "I have combined the power of two artifacts, watching When he arrived, he was chilled by his gas field... A Xuan, do you think that his esoteric level has reached a height..."

"This is the lower bound. Even if he shows up, he will not dare to release the mysterious power as he wants in the upper three circles." Di Mo Xuan circle tightened her delicate body, wide palm, caressing her back.

"Even if he doesn't do it, standing there is a deterrent." The night falls and his eyebrows are slightly stunned. "A Xuan, the people in the upper three worlds, one after another, one is better than the other, is it... the upper bound Really not planning to manage it?"

Emperor Mo Xuan circled her delicate body, slightly stiff.

At night, I felt the change of my own man and looked up at him.

But for the man, he is as deep as a pool of eyes.

Well, it’s dark as ink.

It is the deepness that the night has never felt before.

"A Xuan?" The night clears the eyelashes and trembles, raises his hand, and puts on the eyes of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Hearing her voice, Emperor Mo Xuan’s Huanren had a little fluctuation.

He sighed with a worried look at the girl: "In fact, it is not the people in the upper bounds who care, but ... they can't manage."

The night fell a bit: "Can't manage, what does it mean?"

Emperor Mo Xuan sighed again and licked her blue silk: "Some things, one and a half will not say clearly. I can only tell you... This war is a destiny in the nirvana world..."

Also, your robbery.

In the last sentence, Di Mo Xuan did not say it.

He squinted, his peach blossoms, and the streamer converges.

He tightened the arms of the girl again.

Plus gravity, take her in her arms.

No matter who is the robbery.

As long as he is there.

Never let the little ones have any danger!

The night was buried in his arms and he did not continue to ask questions.

The words of Emperor Mo Xuan stopped, reminding her of the previous...

Bai Su told her that Jun light dances from the news of the Three Realms.

The forces behind the Dark House are the people of the Upper Three Realms.

In the dark palace, there are also people from the upper three spheres to join.

And, there are countless, powerful people who work with the Dark Palace.

According to speculation.

The people behind the dark prince are the powerful people in the upper three circles.

So... Emperor Xu Xuan will say.

Can you manage the people in the upper three realms?

If this is the case...

That nirvana, really... can you still keep it?

For the first time in the night, there was such doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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