Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3271: Why hide it?

Why is Chapter 3271 obscured?

The secluded woman and the secluded face are dark and dull.

"The night is clear! You dare to insult our Lord! You are looking for death!"

The respected sage, in the mouth of the night, was turned into a dark mouse.

How can this be accepted by the secluded and the quiet?

They struggled and angry to find a face for their master.

Yes, the dagger in the hands of the night, when close again.

The secluded woman was stiff in her body, and her mouth was filled with indignation and was thrown into her throat.

The night is clear or still squinting, and it is very embarrassing to laugh: "But just tell the truth, why bother? You must know that our women are not irritated, irritable... old fast, ugly Hurry up."

She smiled and cursed: "Speaking, whether it is the dark forces or the dark palace, it has been against me for so long... and your so-called sage, I have never seen it until now, is this... Isn't it a small mouse hiding in the shadows?

The girl's face is more heavy.

But I was worried that I would shake a hand at night and accidentally put the dagger on her face.

I can't help but scream at the anger of my heart.

Quietly close to the lips, looked at the emperor Xu Xuan on the side of the eye, and looked at the smiling face of the night, his face ugly opening: "You, not qualified to see the Sayādaw! But it is inferior Interface, why do you need to be honored."

The night fell and the eyebrows picked up, and laughed again: "Yes? It's a pity, I am not qualified to see your respected little mouse, you are afraid you can't see it..."

She smiled and raised her head, looking at the eyes, the tens of thousands of dead bodies that came back again.

A large group of large groups surrounded them.

The entire main city of Saitama was once again surrounded.

Standing on the walls of Saitama City, the original smiles of the great powers of the major forces were shocked and unbelievable.

How is this going?

Are these monsters already evacuated?

Why did you suddenly rush back?

and many more……

Everyone brushed their eyes and looked at the direction of the night and the emperor.

In my heart, one by one is restless.

What about the Emperor and the Emperor, who are in the enemy camp and surrounded by enemy monsters?

Even how strong they are!

Faced with so many monsters, there are dark prince disciples!

It will also be in a disadvantage!


The worries of the people were not transmitted to the night.

Her look is still faint, and her eyebrows are calm.

A pair of indifferently charming, quietly looking at the direction of the dark palace camp.

On the side of the girl's side, the man's body is long and the girl is blocked.

A purple robes, no wind automatically.

The horror of the horror of the horror, in the man's body, like a surging wave, layered up and down.

On the other side of the dark palace, I dare not act rashly.

It is in this situation that the atmosphere is tense and the two sides are deadlocked.

A Qingyin girl’s voice was quietly resounding: “Since the dark palace has come to help, why bother to hide it? Could it be that you are the little mouse that I said in my mouth?”

The voice of the girl is sweet and sweet.

Almost spread throughout the scene, with the eardrum of people.

Then, when you see the horizon, a fiery flame flashes.

I saw the girl, carrying a black robe in her hand and leaping to the horizon.

The figure is light and feathery.

Even if she carries a person in her hand, it does not affect her movements.

The girl's figure, when she condenses in the air, she falls down.


A clear cicada, shocking people!

(End of this chapter)

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