Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3267: However, I don't believe you.

Chapter 3267, but I don't believe you.

The night fell to the head, like a smile and looked at the three quiet in front of me.


I didn’t say it before the yin...

They are all fascinating, are they grown up together from childhood?

Even if there is a collision between tasks on weekdays.

But the good guys also experienced the brothers who were born and died together.

It’s so easy to sell.

Does the conscience not hurt?

It is really a plastic brotherhood.

At night, the sky was narrow and charming, and the smile looked at the silence. He raised a finger and shook it: "But, I don't believe you."

The faint expression finally has a slight change.

He tightened his eyebrows and tried to keep calm: "How do you believe?"

"Why don't I believe it." The night's answer was decisive, and he smiled very sweetly.

A pair of curvy charms, like the embellishment of the vast stars, bright and dazzling.


How to dazzle.

In the eyes of San You, that is the "light" that can kill their lives!

The secluded face changed.

The night fell and laughed: "I don't want to let him, I would rather let him..."

The night cleared the finger and pointed to the chill: "He, go to order, let the dead corpse leave, and you and the secluded woman, as hostages."

Suddenly, she coveted and looked at the woman who was restrained by her: "Of course, the most important thing is... the girl is hostage."

"You!" The chilly look is a condensate, a bite, "I am a hostage, let the secluded woman!"

The night fell over the head and stunned.

Twilight circulated, showing her innocence: "No, no, I don't believe her."

The anger on the gnome is even worse: "The night is clear! You are less there to provoke!"

"You are all the meat on the chopping board, let me slaughter, do I need to provoke the separation?" The night is clear, and it is a joke. "I am just... don't believe in your character."

Let go and leave.

The solitude will definitely ignore the chilly and secluded lives, and let the dead bodies directly encroach on the main city of Daiyu.

Let the secluded leave?

That is even more impossible.

Don't look at the secluded woman who seems to love the chilly love that is called a dead to live.

But from the eyes of the secluded woman, the night is clear and clear.

Once the sorceress is saved.

She is absolutely impossible, to save her chills and let her mission fail.

You Yin once said...

They all have their own ambitions, and they all want to surpass each other and become the ones who are respected by the sages.

and so……

The only candidate is only chilly.

Because, the feeling of chilly to the secluded woman is serious.

It’s absolutely impossible to drop the secluded woman.

At this point, the night is very calm.

She hooked her lips and narrowly flirtatious, flashing a few evils: "You have no right to choose, so ... directly answer, whether you are dead, or ... take away the dead body!"

The chilly eyes looked at the secluded woman, and the white-necked neck that was stained with blood made his pupils tighten.

Chilling teeth: "Good! I promise you! Take away the dead body!"

The night was clear and satisfied with a smile and nodded: "This is what it is, you can live longer."

That tone is like teasing your pet.

"A Xuan." The night fell to the Emperor Xu Xuan and took a look.

Emperor Mo Xuan five fingers a loose.

The chilly body fell to the ground.

Unprepared, the body hit the hard ground.

He snorted a few times and gasped for a big mouth.

The red face looks like it is going to be mad at any time.

"I will only give you a fragrant time. If it is more than a fragrant incense, the dead body is still in the vicinity, I will cut off part of the girl, as a punishment for your timeout."

(End of this chapter)

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