Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3259: Tightly at the waist, buckled into the arms

Chapter 3259 is tight at the waist and is buckled into the arms.

"I'm fine." The answer to her is still indifferent.

Um... It’s clear at night, I miss it.

Miao Yiyi, who was pulled aside by Zi Ziqing: "Thanks to Yiyi, the squad leader can be saved. Now Yiyi has joined our world group and they are all family members."

Miao Yiyi smiled and bent: "The sister saved me and saved the nursery family. This is what I should do."

The night cleared her head and said with sincerity: "I really thank you anyway."

"Right, you only said... the palace of the dark palace?"

Ink has scraped his head and pointed to the two shadows of the sky: "The one who is a group with the master of the ghosts... is the palace of the dark palace? It can be comparable to the master of the ghosts!"

"He is a foreign aid to the dark palace, and the strength... is indeed very strong."

I said at night and looked at Zou Mo’s direction.

However, I saw that Zou Mo still did not intervene in this battle.

I can't figure out what is going on here. The night falls and shakes his head: "We can't help, let's take a look at the situation of Master Ghost."

The battlefield on the horizon is getting more and more intense.

You come to me.

Over the entire cemetery, the waves and waves that are like waves are constantly oscillating, and after a wave of waves.

The speed and offensive of the two men are fast and embarrassing.

Nowadays, the night of the power of the artifacts is also merged, and some of them are not clear, and the moves between the two are shot.

I just saw two figures, and sometimes they appeared, and then the air banged and banged a few times.

Then, the two figures disappeared again.

When it comes up again, it is "砰砰砰".

Then disappear again and appear again.


There are still a lot of mysterious people, shooting everywhere.

It is true that no one can intervene in the fight between the two.


The longer the two fight, the longer.

Their offensive is obviously more and more urgent and fierce.

The flying mans that flew across the four sides could not be controlled and projected everywhere.

At night, a group of people stood underneath, and several times they were almost accidentally injured.

Sandwiched in the battle between such masters.

Not only depends on how they fight.

Also have to pay attention to avoid the power of shooting around them.

at this time……

The two men in the sky struggled and slammed into the palm of their hand.

"Booming -"

The two palms collided and brought the majestic power.

For a time, the air in the cemetery rushed to a suffocating pressure.

Endless Xuanbo, overflowing from the mysterious atmosphere of the two men.

"Be careful!"

The night cleared up and looked condensed.

For these spills of mystery.

She is completely okay to avoid.

But Yan Ziqing and others, if they are hit by this mysterious.

Not dead or disabled!

Her feet moved and rushed to the front of everyone.

Immediately, the fan fan was quickly unfolded, and the mysterious gas surged, turning into a mysterious barrier, and several people behind him were covered.

"Clear, you be careful!"

The night falls when the barrier protects several people behind him.

It is neglecting to protect yourself.

Seeing the overflowing mystery, it splashed into the body of the night.

Several people inside the barrier exclaimed.

"The night is clear!"

On the side of the body, there was a voice of sorrow and panic in the dark palace.

Then there was a breath that quickly approached her.

But, the next moment.

At night, I only feel that my waist is tight.

The whole body was firmly buckled in a generous arms.

The elegant sandalwood atmosphere fills the nose.

It was easy to smooth out all the instigation and uneasiness in her heart.

At night, the eyelashes trembled fiercely, and the little hand caught the clothes on the chest: "A, A Xuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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