Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3251: I can't wait until my man comes out, I won't leave!

Chapter 3251 can't wait for my man to come out, I won't leave!

Ma egg!

She thought that she could take the opportunity to leave the illusionary site!

After all, the trap zone set in the dark palace.

She was suppressed too badly!

Leaving the cemetery, she can summon her friends and fight together!

Unexpectedly, she could not find an exit.

Or, here, there is no export at all!


It was discovered by the ghost king!

Also seen by the ghost king, her footwork is a teleportation secret!

That familiar and nostalgic tone.

Obviously, Ghost King has seen the teleportation secret!

Even if she wants to deny, the ghost king may not believe it.

"Transient occlusion... The ultimate mystery used by the king of thieves..." The ghost dynasty slid slowly and walked over.

Every step seems to condense the invisible pressure.

The night fell and held the chest, only to be shocked by the ghost king's gas pressure until now, not yet relieved.

See him again coming towards himself.

The invisible pressure that made her feel more uncomfortable.

The throat is so sweet that it is like a gushing out of the throat.

The night is close to the pink lips, the slender five fingers clenched, and the obsessive lupin is also tightened.

She is vigilant and walks back slowly.

"Little girl, as long as you tell me...what did you learn from this teleportation secret... I will let you leave this place, how?" The ghost king stopped at the place where the night was five steps away, and suddenly stopped. pace.

The night looked at him coldly and coldly.

Listen to his words like negotiations.

I couldn't help but laughed: "When are you a three-year-old? What qualifications do you have, let me believe in you?"

Ghost King's face is unchanged, continue: "Little girl, you should be very clear, you have no capital to talk to me at all, you have no choice but to choose to believe."

The night laughed and laughed: "Why should I choose to believe? Why should I choose to leave? My man was caught in the Dark Mask by the Dark Palace, and I can't wait until my man comes out, I will not leave!"

Ghost King: "..." Who just used the teleportation secret method to escape from the cemetery?

Such a serious saying that he does not want to leave.

Should the skin be so thick?

The night clear said that she just wanted to leave, and this made him and she left, meaning different!

Does she not want to face?

He let her go, she has to leave?

Moreover, she does not believe in him.

It's that simple!

Ghost King: "Little girl, I am giving you a chance. You think, if I want to investigate, I will not investigate, the secret of your body?"

Clear at night: "Oh, then let's investigate."

Ghost King: "..." This girl, why not play cards according to the routine?

Soft can't.

The ghost king simply comes tough.

His face sank and strode.

The man stood in front of the night.

The hand that condenses mysterious force, straight to the neck that clears the night: "Say! Your teleportation secret method, who learns with whom! Where is that person!"


Just in the hands of the ghost king, touched the night when the neck was cleared.

He is working hard.

The palm was actually holding a handful of air!

In front of you, where are the girls? !

The face of the ghost king is sinking.

Damn it!

It is a teleportation secret!

The night of the teleportation technique has been cleared, and it is far behind the dark lord of the palace. Half a squat down, the fan of the fan is turned over, and the dagger hidden by the fan handle is drawn, which is in the dark palace. On the neck.

Bundled, invisible dark palace: "..."

Ma egg!

He is completely the meat on the chopping board, and he is arbitrarily slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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