Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3249: The ghost king is really moving.

Chapter 3249, The Ghost King is really moving.

The laughter of the ghost king yin and laughter did not stop because of the words of the dark palace.

The horror of the atmosphere is still hovering.

The bottom of his eyes is full of haze: "She has an artifact protector, she can't die... Anyway, what you want is nothing but a mysterious jade in her body!"

As he said, he greedily licked his lips, and his voice became more and more cold. "If I want to get an artifact, I will only destroy her willpower and mental strength..."

Of course, the most convenient way is to kill the night.


The dark palace is not allowed.

Then, only the willpower and mental power that destroyed the night will be destroyed.

He can only artifact, cut off the connection between artifacts and night clearing!

The ghost king picked up the haze of the eyes, the boundless mysterious power, and moved a little bit toward the direction of the night clearing: "After testing the power of the artifact, I am very satisfied with the artifact on her body!"

"Speak to yourself, say enough!" Looking at the powerful and powerful mysterious power of the ghost king, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, fierce.

The color of the night is clear, just like a glimpse.

The flame fan moves.

A fire dragon is formed, and the claws of the teeth are hovering in the air.

Her eyebrows are cold, and her streamer is flowing, overflowing with arrogance.

The fire dragon screamed in the sky, following the control of the night and clearing, welcoming the vastness of the ghost king!

"not good!"

The sound of the old man sounded.

The water bracelet is hot.

"Shantou! He is really moving! Can't fight hard!" The old man tried to break through the water bracelet and came out from the inside to help the night clear.

When the fire dragon whistled.

It’s not right to feel the night.


The arrogance of the ghost king at this time.

It’s totally different from when you played against it!

If at that time, she can still fight dozens of tricks with the ghost king.

Then now...

She is simply being killed by the spike!

Think of the words of the ghost king.

The heart of the night fell silently.

It’s hard to be...

The Ghost King has just been trying to test the evil power of the artifact. How much influence can it have on her?

The test is now over.

He is going to move the real thing?

There is no chance to hesitate at night.

The infinite mystery of the ghost king, directly cut off the fire dragon released by the night.

The night is clear and the twilight is awkward, and the footwork at the foot is displayed.

The fan of the fan in the hand, quickly twirling.

The red mans are entwined and the silver wire is shot.

The silver wire quickly circling a silver-rimmed shield in front of the night.

The red mansions shrouded it.

At night, the fingers are cleared again.

The silver-rim shield is on the offensive of the ghost king!

This is the stagnation of this moment.

The night was half-feeling, and the footsteps were moving quickly.

Instant, shift, secret, law!

That's right...

At night, the night is clear, and the secret is the secret method!

Because her previous footwork and action were moved by mystery.

Ghost King can rely on her breath to determine the position of her foot.

But the teleportation secret method is different!

Silent movement.

Even the ghost king, I can't detect the fluctuation of her breath!

Casting the teleportation secret method is too risky!

But beyond that.

In a short time, there is no other better way!


She has deliberately used the millennium silver wire of the flame fan to create a silver-side shield that should have completely attracted the attention of the ghost king.

It should also be noted that she has applied the teleportation secret method.


The attention of the ghost king is indeed, it is attracted by the silver shield.

But... it seems to be forgotten at night.

This cemetery, in addition to the ghost king.

There is also a side, the line of sight is always fixed on her... the dark palace.

(End of this chapter)

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