Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3240: Can't be underestimated

Chapter 3240 can't be underestimated

However, the Ghost King did not respond to the Dark Palace.

The figure was swaying, and the speed passed very quickly over the dark palace, and once again, it fell to the night.

He is full of suffocating suffocation.

The cold and cold atmosphere shrouded the night.

The night is clear and the land is expanding.

The long eyelashes of the roll can not stop the tremor.

This cold breath...

It was actually that she could not move her limbs.

To avoid it, it seems to be suppressed by his momentum.

This person...

What is the level of the mysterious order!

Actually... it is so powerful!

She is about to enter the realm of mythology, the person of Xian Xuan Xuan, even his momentum, can not stand!

"Ghost King!" The dark lord of the palace screamed loudly, and the tone was full of anger.

"Since the lord of the palace wants to punish, then he will punish it. But... for the task to go smoothly... this prey was taken back by me."

The ghost king was very calm, and he did not put his anger in his eyes.

And, the sleeves are moving.

Suddenly a rope was pulled out and the dark lord palace was tied up.

The dark palace is full of anger.

The more you struggle.

The rope tied to the body is tighter.

Just when the Ghost King focused his attention on the Lord of the Dark Palace.

The night clearing is following the instructions of the old man, and the mysteriousness of Xuan Xinyu is running little by little, slowly releasing it, resisting the invisible pressure.

Like the warmth of the mysterious air, spread in the body little by little.

Then lingering around the limbs.

In the chest, the feeling that the child was overwhelmed was finally comfortable.

Ghost King's reaction is very sensitive.

The scent of the night falls, with a slight change.

He has quickly fixed his sight on the body that cleared the night.

The cloak could not stop, the chill of his eyes.

"Can you resist it, my pressure?" The ghost king's tone, interesting, "Sure enough, you can't be underestimated."


At night, I only felt the cheeks and the wind was blowing.

A sting, eroding from the shoulders.

The ghost king did not know when, and stood in front of her again.

One hand, holding her shoulder.

Five fingers force, the night clear can clearly hear a "beep" sound, from the body.

The night cleared and snorted.

The intense pain caused her to sweat out of her forehead.

The dislocated shoulder caused her right hand to move.

This is limiting her, using the right hand, using a fanhead!

At night, the breath was clear, and the pain in the shoulders was held back. The left hand was lifted, and the palm of the hand was flipped over the shoulder arm.

That one hand, made a sigh.

Ghost King's hand, instinctively backed back.

The night cleared and immediately retreated, avoiding the attack range of the ghost king.

Immediately, the left hand quickly took the flame-shooting fan, and the mysterious air gathered, and the fingertips bounced between them. The fan-shaped fan was like a flame, and it burst into a raging fire.


In the air, the sound of the popping sounds.

Powerful and vast mysterious power, violent fluctuations.

The Ghost King was also taken by that hand, and he took two steps back.

He raised his hand and looked at the arm that was hit.

The coldness of the whole body is shot at this moment.

The black yin around it is constantly twisted and twisted.

The shape of his body is blurred.

This person called Ghost King is not good to deal with!

No, more accurately... she can't handle it at all!

If the old man is not instructing her in time, how to retract the mysterious force and escape the man's claws.

It is very likely that her entire right hand will be cut off by the ghost king!

The gap in strength is too great...

If you continue this way...

It will be sooner or later that she will be lying back to the dark palace by this person.

(End of this chapter)

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