Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3237: Letting you come, it will only be bad.

Chapter 3237 lets you come over, only bad things

Shocked and surprised.

The night clears the conditional reflection of the condensation on the face, vigilantly looking to the dark palace, the cold channel: "You want to play this game again?"


The Lord of the Dark Palace snorted and slowly raised his head, looking at the hand full of blood, spinning the dagger, throwing it on the ground.

The dagger that was contaminated with this **** water fell on the bones of the earth.

He shook his **** hand and smiled a bit and ridiculed: "This palace saved you, you can really hurt people."


The night was clear and charming, and the look on the face became more alert: "Do you want to play with bitterness? Want to touch me, then listen to your arrangement?"

The dark lord of the palace suddenly did not speak.

Even the shaking hand was frozen.

I don't know if it is an illusion.

At night, he always felt that there was a feeling of silence in his body.

What is the other sentence, stabbed him?

The night clear said that this man is really difficult to get along with.

How do you feel every word?

Can step on his minefield.

The night is clear and I feel very tired.

Suddenly, the dark palace palace looked up and looked like something, and raised his hand to reach the arm of the night.

Night clearing instinct to avoid: "What are you going to do?!"

"You..." His hoarse voice just spit out a word.

At this moment, a few loud noises of "砰砰砰", the entire cemetery was suddenly bombed.

The ground vibrates and cracks the slits.

The body that cleared the night could not stop shaking.

It was this moment that he grabbed her wrist.

It’s too late to clear the night.

The body is suddenly tight.

The Lord of the Dark Palace took her, but she ran in the other direction.

His other palm, still bleeding, hangs on his side.

The blood is flowing and dripping.

"You have to do..." The night was still not clear, and the sound of the explosion came from where he came, and he was screaming and running hard.

I gasped and just spit out three words.

She felt that a powerful and vast mysterious power eroded the entire cemetery.

Let her actually have a feeling of suffocation.

What is this power? !

what happened?

"Damn! It’s late!"

In the ear, faintly heard the hoarse voice of the dark lord palace.

Then, because of his sudden stop, she ran into his generous and hard back.

The whole face hit him on his back.

There was no blame for the opportunity to clear the night.


The moment she grabbed her nose and mouth and raised her head...

I saw it, standing in front of them, wearing a black robe, dressed in the same shape as the dark palace.

Looking at the figure, it should also be a man's body.

The black robe is windless and automatic, hunting and screaming.

The robes of mad dance are like the sharp edges of the claws of the teeth, seemingly to devour everything.

That is a powerful atmosphere.

It is released from this person's body!

The face that cleared at night was slightly changed.

Who is this person?

Actually has such a strong breath!


The strength of this person is absolutely comparable to that of the dark palace!

She can't sense the breath of the dark palace!

It is because the Dark Palace has deliberately converged its own breath!

However, this person is different in front of you.

That son is arrogant to the arrogance of arrogance.

It is powerful and vast.

Just this pressure.

She can oppress her, almost unable to breathe!

"Sure enough..." The man spoke, his voice was hoarse and sharp. "It is expected that letting you come over will only be a bad thing."

(End of this chapter)

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