Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3230: Where did you get A Xuan?

Chapter 3230 Where did you get A Xuan?

At night, the hands of the waist felt a stiff.

Immediately, I listened to the cold laughter and continued: "This palace does not know how to pity the jade, such a beautiful little beauty, if it becomes two paragraphs... I don't know, can't keep her beauty..."

The night cleared the meaning of his words, forcing the tear-like suction, and struggling to reach out his hands, holding the arm of Emperor Xu Xuan tightly: "A Xuan, don't listen..."

The hand that was lying across the waist gradually loosened.

The night cleared the panic and grabbed his arm.

However, he was avoided by Di Mo Xuan.

"A Xuan!" Lost the support of the Emperor's power, the body of the night, and quickly flew straight toward the dark palace.


Her delicate body, smashed into the arms of the dark palace.

She didn't have time to struggle.

The Lord of the Dark Palace has tightly held her body.

The night fell and struggled, and immediately raised his head and looked at the emperor.

Then, the goddess of God, the mysteriousness of the gods, is so deep.

The black arms wrapped around him almost fell into his body.

Still, he pulled him in the direction of the crack.

This scene made the night clear and the people grow up, and an unnamed emotion in their hearts began to surge.

"wait for me."

She only had time to see the man's thin lips fretting and spit out the silent words.

He immediately saw his figure and was completely included in the crack.

The entire cemetery has also fallen into calm.

Of course, the man who has always protected her, but is afraid to hurt her, has disappeared.

"Axuan -"

She extended her hand in the direction of Di Mo Xuan, her eyes almost blood red.

But in the end, I still watched him disappear.

"Dark, quiet, palace!"

The night-scarred hazelnuts, as if the demon-like mandala flowers were in full bloom, flashed a strange embarrassment.

She was detained in the arms of the Lord of the Dark Palace.

Backhand, clenched the collar of the dark palace.

A pair of **** eyes stared at him: "Where did you get A Xuan! What do you want to do with Axuan? You don't want to count us? Just send me over!"

The dark lord of the palace, who was shackled with a collar, was in a calm mood, and the hand that was buckled around her waist was still not released.

He looked at her so quietly and secludedly.

Did not answer the question of the night clearing.

Let the rest of the night fall through the hysterical roar.

He seems to have not heard.

Just staring at her under the black cloak, invisible eyes.

After the night has cleared and vented.

There is no response.

Gradually, I calmed down.

She discovered that she was very close to the Dark Palace.

Nearly, she could smell the cool air of the dark palace.

And the eyes under the black cloak, she saw some hair in her heart...

I don’t know, I thought...

The owner of this dark palace is secretly in love with her.

Take the opportunity to eat her tofu and appreciate her beauty!

Do not know why……

At this moment, the night falls like a person from the dark palace, seeing a sense of familiarity.

But she couldn’t remember when she had any intersection with the Dark Palace.

"Night girl."

The dark lord of the palace, who did not speak for a long time, suddenly called her name.

The night cleared his face and condensed, and the hand holding his collar loosened: "What purpose do you have? Your goal, if it is me and A Xuan, then send me to Axuan, isn't it better?"

"Oh, hehe..."

He was a chuckle, a cold, sharp voice, with a bit of ridicule.

(End of this chapter)

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