Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3216: Domineering return (3)

Chapter 3216 Domineering Return (3)

Follow the dragon's breath and spray down.

Brought a huge sense of oppression.

The voice, let the Dongjun monarch and the mysterious people who lived in the face, smiled.

And Hao Nanren, as well as the people of the dark forces, became pale when they turned their faces.

The woman's delicate body is not faltering, her legs are soft and soft, and she falls to the ground.

This is a fear from the heart.

The Qinglong approached and leaned over the faucet.

Everyone also clearly saw that above the faucet, it was like a flame.

"Mrs. Emperor!"

"Mrs. Emperor, she really came out!"

"Mrs. Emperor actually sits on the dragon! Is it this dragon, is it the war of the emperor?!"


The mysterious people exclaimed and talked.

I am filled with this huge dragon in my eyes!

The girl’s mouth is smiling and her smile is stunned.

She slowly stood up.

Even if the dragon has already leaned down enough.

But for humans.

This is still equivalent to a three-story building.

The night cleared his arms.

Red armbands, with the hurricane agitated.

Such as wings flying wings.

Her lips, the face of the city, like a stream of gold, brilliant and unique.

"A Xuan, I am back."

She chuckled, and the voice was full of joy.

When she fell, she jumped.

On the body, there is no entanglement of any mysterious force.

That's it, let yourself fall, fluttering down.


The breeze passed.

Her body fell steadily into a embrace.

The elegant sandalwood scented into the air.

She smashed her body and was chilled by the hurricane.

At night, his arms fell, his neck was hooked, his eyes were full of smiles, his sweet voice, and his lover was called: "A Xuan."

"Play enough?" Emperor Mo Xuan cognac, deep in peach eyes, as if plated with streamer, staring deeply into the girl's face.

The night cleared his head and put it in his chest. He screamed: "The game is still going on, how can it be enough?"

She looked up again and smiled at Di Mo Xuan: "A Xuan is a little cold, is it waiting for me overnight?"

she knows.

After she entered the forbidden area.

Emperor Xu Xuan is definitely not going to leave here.

He will be at the entrance, waiting for her to come back.

The man looked at the person in his arms and smiled with a smile.

Suddenly bowed, on her lips, slammed a bit.

At night, he clung to his neck and giggled.

"Look at Ah Xuan’s cooperation with me, I will agree to you, play with me, play with me..."

Her last word deliberately lengthened the tail.

The long and narrow charm, curved in the arc.

Her eyes turned to the direction behind her, the fox law, and other dead bodies.

Fox's face was pale, his legs fell softly and sat down on the ground, staring blankly at the two people who embraced each other: "You...you are really...and, and the Emperor, how can you... ”

Her fear.

Not just because of Qinglong.

There is also the appearance of Di Mo Xuan.

The night fell and fell alive from the forbidden land, and the contract was made... the dragon that the palace owner wanted to get.

This news, Fox Shengfa was informed last night.

Just did not expect...

The night clear can really hold on... the blue dragon holy beast of the head of the four holy beasts!

And, bring Qinglong, out of the forbidden!

This is totally different from what the palace owner guessed!

She didn't even think of...

The night fell after entering the forbidden land.

Emperor Xu Xuan will remain outside the forbidden area.

In other words...

When she was with her dead body, she appeared.

Emperor Xu Xuan has always been watching.

No appearances, no hands.

Just to let your own woman play more fun?


[First three chapters ~ see the rest of the night! Moye now writes that it feels irritating~ let the little outfits forcefully fit! There will be 哒 补 】

Ask for a wave of recommended tickets and monthly passes~ At the end of the month, if the monthly ticket is not thrown again, it will be cleared.

(End of this chapter)

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