Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3211: The deity comes here, but to accompany the lady.

Chapter 3211 The deity comes here, but to accompany the lady.

at this time……

The crowd is shocked...

This man's gas field is so powerful!

Just before this.

They just think that this man is elegant and elegant.

But at this time...

When the man is full of arrogance.

浑 浑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

It is impossible to remove the line of sight.

Can not look directly at his honor.

Emperor Supreme...

If you say this person, it is the Emperor!

They will never doubt it!



In the hearts of everyone, there is a great sense of joy.

As long as the emperor is shot.

What is dark in the dark palace, no fear at all!

"The deity comes here, but to accompany the deity's wife." The man's cold voice, calm and quiet.

It's just a simple sentence.

Then let the people around, the heart is soaked by cold sweat.

Then, the mysterious people who stayed behind, suddenly reacted... a very important thing!

Only when the woman enters the forbidden area is the wife of the Emperor? !

The emperor and the Xilu mainland, the original Sanquanzong Shaozong, the night of the Seventh Miss together.

Basically, the whole nirvana world is spreading all over!

That is to say...

A woman who was called "Mrs. Emperor" by the Eastern Sovereign.

The woman who walked into the forbidden place and is now alive and dead...

Is that the legendary figure - Miss Seven? !

No wonder...

I always feel that... the name is clear at night, very familiar!

The mysterious left behind, my heart slammed.

The night is the lady of the emperor!

It is the wife of Emperor Supreme!

The wife of Emperor Supreme, entered the forbidden place...

That place, there can be no one at all, can come out alive!

If the emperor is really...can't come out.

Emperor Supreme is angry...

Everyone even thought, not dare to think.

One by one, the eyes of hatred were moved to Hao Nanren's body.

If it is not the Sui Yuzong lord, it must be directed against the emperor!

The Emperor of the Emperor has already shot and helped the Dongpu Continent to deal with the Dark Palace!

Dongpu mainland will not lose one-third of the territory as it is now!

Nowadays, even the remaining territories must be forcibly occupied by the dark palace!

Moreover, it’s no surprise to see Hao Nanren’s smug look.

Apparently, it has already been known, the real identity of the emperor and the night.

I thought so, everyone’s anger against Hao Nanren is even worse!

Hao Nanren, obviously, is deliberately wanting to use the public to deal with the emperor!

As the lord of the Eastern Jade Emperor Yuzong, he has a contradiction with his wife, and he will solve it himself!

It is to use the innocent onlookers to create momentum for themselves, and thus to the emperor!

He did this, and the Emperor might look at his face as a lord and let him go!

However, Hao Nanren does not care...

Will they offend the Emperor? !

"Emperor, the emperor promised to come to the mainland, not to promise to help the East China mainland... Emperor respected the face of the emperor, I beg you to ... shot!"

The Dongjun monarch slammed his head hard.

At the time when the Dark Palace was attacking the Eastern Continent.

As a Dongjun monarch, he is unable to rush to the front line and stop the dark palace!

Because he is the monarch of the Eastern Continent.

more importantly……

Only when the night falls, can you save the East China continent!

He must be here, wait until the night falls!

(End of this chapter)

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