Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3207: Also playing missing?

Chapter 3207 is missing again?

I am not in the heart.

Even the place where he was sitting, flat, as if no one had ever sat.

At night, the eyebrows are fine.

I don’t mind, is this going to be missing again?

Same as the last inn in Nanzhao?

Suddenly, in the mind that cleared up in the night, there was a feeling of innocence, and the picture when I looked at her coldly.

He asked: "He is waiting for you outside?"

She replied: "Yeah."

At that time, he lost all his eyes...

Because of this sentence.

Did he choose to leave alone?

The night fell tight and licked his lips, turned around and said indifferently: "Since he left, let us go."

If it is unintentional, after all, it is impossible to erase the obsession with her.

It is true that they can only do this.

Leaving alone is the best option.

Just when the night was clear and left, Qinglong suddenly opened his mouth: "Clearing the hoe, and so on..."

The night cleared the footsteps.

Qinglong’s nephew was condensed and solemnly said: “How did he leave?”

"This... I don't know." The night fell and shook his head. "Before I walked out of the cave, he was still there."

"Facai, we have been outside the cave, but ... did not feel that he left the breath..." Qinglong's tone became heavy.

The night fell.


They are just at the door of this cave.

Never left.

She did not see her unintentional.

But now... 褚 no heart but not here...

In the end, how did he leave?

Or say...

How strong is he to.

Even Qinglong, I can't detect the breath he left?

"Well, since he has already left, we have a deeper understanding of this, and it makes no sense." Seeing the late night, Qinglong sighed. "You should be glad, you and him are not enemies, otherwise... difficult to deal with. what……"

The sight of the night clearing, and looking forward, looked in the direction of sitting unintentionally.


If it is an enemy.

I am unwilling to deal with it... It is harder to deal with than the dark palace.

She should be glad that she has no intention to obey her?

in fact……

She is more selfish.

Being able to be ashamed, it is like getting along with Long Yunzhan, and Qiao Jin and so on.


Just think about it.


A crowd of beasts, so vast, came to the entrance to the forbidden land.

At night, I just want to bring my friends into the pet space.

Suddenly, surrounded by lush grass, a shake.

Immediately, he drilled a single, three-eyed beast that is the size of a normal body.

The head of the sky is the one that is convex and convex.

Fifty, one by one, surrounded by all sides.

The night fell and frowned, in front of the little friend: "What do you want to do?"

This group of three-eyed beasts, yesterday, because of the emergence of the Qinglong, one only, scared to the ground.

Then, with his tail, he left.

just now……

Actually, come back to trouble?

Is this not afraid of the rhythm of the Qinglong?

"Hey--" The telescopically convex Tongtian beast took a step forward and snorted at her low.

Immediately, the mouth spoke: "Human, we are not looking for trouble... We want to thank you, but also want to beg you, can forgive our reckless behavior yesterday."

this is……

Thank you, apologize?

The night cleared the hook: "Thanks, you don't have to, but... If you really want to apologize for yesterday's behavior, then answer a few questions."


[Complete the last chapter of yesterday! 】

(End of this chapter)

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