Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3201: Guess, my relationship with you.

Chapter 3201 guessed that I have a relationship with you.

"Love someone..."

Qinglong, who was caught off guard against a dog's food, had a feeling of missing thoughts.

It flanked, and Yu Guang squinted on the back of his eyes, holding its dragon scales, playing with joy, and his eyes were soft and soft: "If you can, can you stay here for one night?"

"I can't bear to leave here?" asked the night and smiled.

Qinglong shook his head: "In order to marry."

"Hey?" The night is clear.

The dragon dragon must be slightly raised, looking at the sly eyes, the more warmth: "Presumably, you should have guessed... my relationship with you."

"You don't have to guess, it's obvious." The night cleared and nodded. "You will contract with me, just to be embarrassed."

"Half and a half." Qinglong smiled deeply and profoundly.

From the big dragons, the night Qing is not in the eyes of the dragon.

She took back her gaze and looked at her again.

That's right.

Qinglong is the father of Yi.

A leopard beast, with a dragon...

Born...the leopard beast...

Do not.

Can not be said to be a leopard beast.

After all, the head of the skull has also grown... two corners similar to the dragon's horn.

Although, it is much more ugly than the corner on the green dragon head.

But after all, it is also two dragons!

The children left by a dragon and a leopard...

It is no wonder that at the time of the Warcraft Forest, even if the mother was the king of the forest, he was still excluded by other Eudemons.

just because……

In the body, it is not pure leopard blood.

If those eudemons know.

In the body, not only the blood of the leopard, but also the blood of the dragon...

Those Eudemons, will you be crazy?

After all, the dragon is the most noble animal in the orc.

Cough and cough...

She still has a problem.

Her family is a little, is it a dragon, or a leopard?

"Please drop the hoe, can you?" Seeing the night clearing for a long time without opening, Qinglong asked again.

The night fell back to God: "What do you want to stay and do for you?"

"I don't know how long I was here, how long it was sealed, but this place is full of my breath..."

With a tail, Qinglong gently rolled up a small body.

He sent it to the arms of the night, and this continued: "The body of my dragon has the blood of my dragon. After entering this seal, my forbidden land, I will give the dragon blood in my body. inspired."

It glanced at the two black-painted, protruding hard objects on the skull: "So that he has not been promoted to a high-end Eudemons, he has grown a dragon's horn."

This really is the dragon horn...

The night fell and reached out, carefully, and touched the hard object on the hoe.

When this thing comes out.

He almost smashed his head.

After the care of Qinglong, the wound on the head of the skull has already recovered.

When the night falls and touches, the force is very light, with a hint of temptation.

I was afraid of getting hurt.

However, he did not have any pain, but he bent his eyes and smiled.

"What do you mean... use the forbidden land, the sacred atmosphere that you have left, let you grow up and grow up?" When the night fell, I understood the meaning of the Qinglong dialect.

"Yes." Qinglong's twilight, gradually emerged a trace of seriousness: "But ... 玺玦 after all, it is still small, so promotion, I am afraid there will be danger, and, we can only help, the rest ... depends on 玺玦Himself."

The night fell, and looked at my arms, the little one, gently stroked its head: "Hey, what do you think of yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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