Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3199: Different positions, different ways of living

Chapter 3199 has different positions and different ways of living

"So, you heard that the Dark Palace was going to start with me in the forbidden area of ​​Dongpu, so I rushed over?"

The night cleared the lips and continued, "This piece of forbidden land, because of the seal of the power of the dragon... Human beings are impossible to get close to here, since you are not relying on the dark palace, you are standing here safely, then...you Why is it okay?"

This problem has made you feel uncomfortable.

The calmness of the face does not exist anymore.

He squinted slightly: "You don't believe me?"

"I believe in you, won't hurt me." The night cleared without hesitation, and the voice was decisive. "But I don't believe in the dark palace."

"You don't want me to work with the Dark Palace, right?" He looked down at his heart, and the twilight was a little dull.

The topic about his identity was taken over by him.

The night fell and knew that he didn't want to say.

She does not ask.

Instead, follow the unintentional words and answer: "I hope not, and does not affect your cooperation with the dark house..."

The words have not been finished yet.

I have no intention of interrupting her words: "I don't cooperate if you don't want it."

His tone is still cool and indifferent.

But the eagerness, the emotion that overflows with the eyebrows, is full of hope.

It seems that she is looking forward to her and taking the initiative.

The night cleared and looked at him.

The four eyes are relatively short.

She stood up, the face of the city, the mood is very weak: "I don't care, we are not all the way, you cooperate with the dark palace, because you need to use the dark palace. And I, destined to be and The dark house is the enemy of the enemy, even if we have no conflict of interest now... but we will eventually...become an enemy."

Her dawn is calm.

Just look down and look at you.

"I don't care, no matter how firm you feel about me, but more importantly, after all, it is your own goal...

Just like me, even if I feel embarrassed to you, I am very grateful to you...but it will not live in peace with the Dark Palace.

Just like the dark palace, even if you are in a cooperative relationship, you will not stop because of your feelings for me. ”

Her words are very realistic.

It is also a fact.

Because they are two, the choice is not a road.

Even if you don’t feel like you, you won’t hurt her, you can even violate the dark palace and protect her.

These, the premise is, do not hurt her, protect her, does not affect his own interests.

Like this happened in the forbidden land of the East China mainland.

Obviously, the dark palace wants to get the green dragon.

This is not difficult to guess.

After all, when Suzaku wanted to wake up.

The forces of darkness have spent a lot of manpower and resources, and they want to get the Suzaku.

It’s almost a bit more, controlling Suzaku.

Today, the white tiger, the Suzaku, and the half soul of Xuanwu are in her hands.

Whether it is out, Qinglong is the head of the four great sacred beasts, the strongest strength, the contract Qinglong, the strength of the dark palace will greatly increase.

Still out of the way, to prevent the night clearing really gather the four holy beasts.

The dark palace will definitely look at the dragon.

And now...

Qinglong still fell into her hands.

On the dark side of the palace, the interests are seriously damaged.

However, it is unintentional.

There is no interest impact.

Therefore, he can appear unscrupulously in the forbidden place, standing in front of her and protecting her.

Different positions.

The way to live is different.

She has no qualifications, and she advises her not to cooperate with the Dark Palace.

I also don't want to influence my unintentional position because of my own behavior.


[This morning, the first chapter of the provoke, an hour of headaches to finish this chapter, go to sleep first. In the evening, try to come back early! 】

(End of this chapter)

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