Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3193: Memories: You know better than anyone, she is not her

Chapter 3193 Recall: You know better than anyone, she is not her

I don’t have a colder face, and my eyes are cold and faint: "You shouldn’t move her."

In the face of the invisible pressure of the unintentional release.

The mysterious man in the black robe laughed happily: "Hey, Lord, you are planning, for a woman, hurt the cooperation between us?"

I have no intention of tightening my fingers.

The man's face was shackled in the palm of his hand.

The ultimate pain, let the face send out a cry for help: "Miya Lord, save me... save me..."

The black robe mysterious man stood in the same place, did not have the meaning of shooting, did not open, for the face of the human face.


Only heard a tearing sound.

The screams of the human skin screamed and vanished.

褚 Unsatisfied, cold and waved.

The fragments of the human face are swaying with the wind.

The black robe mysterious man then said: "Is it out?"

In the black robe mysterious man's voice just fell.

Unsatisfied, with a horrible mystery, rushing to the people in front.

The mysterious man in the black robe did not hide.

A punch, a heavy hit on the chest of the mysterious man in the black robe.

The body of the mysterious man in the black robe flies backwards.

Toes, on the ground, draw a deep trace.

He grabbed his chest and heard a hoarse voice in his throat.

I have no heart and frown: "Why don't you hide."

The black robe mysterious man slowly stood up and shook: "Hide, how do you get mad?"

I didn't want to stop my hand, and my face was still cold like an ice scum: "In the future, if you don't know, please shoot her, don't blame this seat, and be against you!"

The black robe mysterious man laughed low.

This smile seems to have caused severe pain in the chest, and coughed a few times: "I didn't expect that the Fortress is still an infatuated person."

I didn't care, I didn't talk.

The mysterious portrait of black robe is already used to it, and this indifferent character is unintentional.

He leaned on the side of the trunk and smiled and said: "Is it worth it?"

does it worth?

I don’t care if my eyes are flashing, but I still don’t speak.

"Fortress Lord, you should understand more than anyone else...the one you want...not her at all." The black robe mysterious man slowly raised his hand and straightened at him. "Why have you been deceiving yourself? Or well, Working with this house, as long as our plan is completed and you want to get her back, that is a breeze."

The voice of the mysterious man in black robe is full of confusion.

"How could she not be her?" He looked up unintentionally, and his eyes were even colder.

I don't know if I want to convince myself, or convince the people in front of me: "She is the night! If it is not the night, Sanquanzong will find it! Her wrist has her unique birthmark! Her body Xuan Xinyu, indeed, only she can match!"

Unconscious voice, more and more urgency: "She is getting stronger and stronger now, and the change is getting bigger, just because... she learned, use her mysterious jade correctly!"

Unintentional, no longer the calm and calm of the past.

Because of urgency, and depression in the heart.

He did not notice at all.

The hand that the mysterious man in the black robe stretched out to him, moved slightly.

However, the genius was shredded by the unintentional, and the people in the sky were greeted.

It was actually the command of the mysterious man in the black robe.

It turned into a black smoke, which was incorporated into the body of the unintentional body.

"Oh, hehe..."

After the black smoke was confirmed, it was completely invaded.

The black robe mysterious man chuckled.

It seems that he is really serious, seriously, and listens to his unwilling rebuttal.


Because of love, how unintentional men will change because of love.

The first time I saw the unintentional sorrow and panic, I was distressed!

PS: This part of the plot is re-corrected later, so some Kavin, today is the first four chapters, and try to make up for it tomorrow. After leaving the forbidden land, it is a big story. Fine steel can't save me.

(End of this chapter)

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