Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3185: Wake up in advance

Chapter 3185 wakes up in advance

The wind chimes left behind a small black thing.

She looked up at her cracked face.

I saw the pets that let the night fall on the tip of my heart, and I was squatting at her feet.

That little thing is the pet form, the size of the palm, it looks, no lethality.

Moreover, the little things are not staring at the sky for a moment, and they are not aware of their situation.

Seeing that the night was clear and the face was worried, the speed was very fast.

The wind chimes are at the bottom of the eye, passing a chill.

She will become like this now, all of them are dead at night!

She can't be good.

Don't think too much about the night!

Doesn't it hurt to love this little thing at night?

She killed the little thing in the face of the night!

Let the night taste, the heartache!

The wind chime kills the machine, the long legs stretch, and the palms rush to the embarrassment.

"Windbell! You dare!"

At night, the face was changed, the eyebrows were close together, and the teeth were low.

For the attack of the wind chimes, there was no reaction.

The night was clear, and the fan of the fan in the hand quickly unfolded, and a wind blade emerged from the wind bell.

The night is clear and the more imperious.

The more the wind chimes are smug.

So much so, she ignored it, just as she rushed to the hustle and bustle.

The black body of the whole body, a blue light, shrouded it all.


In front of you, the blue light flashes.

The body of the wind chime is like a broken paper basket, and it flies out.

Then, I saw a blue shadow, and I was heavily photographed in the body of the ground after the wind chimes flew out.


It is a crisp crack sound.

The body of the wind chime was directly cut off by the waist.

The wind chime has wide eyes and hands to touch his waist.

Under the touch, when it is empty.

She was short of screaming in fear.

What is it...

What is it!

Why can I interrupt her body and have been transformed into a dead body? !

The wind chimes struggled to lift themselves up and looked down at them, in an empty direction.


The whole person is stunned.

That is a... huge tail!

A cyan tail!

The tail is between her upper body and the lower body.

It was this tail that smashed her body!


A thick voice, straight through the air, blasted in my mind.

This angle from the night falls.

It is completely clear to see...

This scene in front of you...

That one, the body that rushed down from the dark clouds, circled in a circle.

The blue light flashes, and the green dragon scales of the pieces are shining!

This is... Qinglong!

A huge dragon!

The clouds are scattered.

A huge faucet, slowly bowed down.

"Qinglong?! Is the Qinglong?!" Chi Yan and Qi Qi, staring at the Qinglong, shouted excitedly.


This is the Qinglong?

One of the four holy beasts of the Qinglong Holy Beast?

At night, I fell to my head and looked at the dragons with strong domineering power. The bottom of my eyes passed a glimpse of appreciation and admiration.

It is worthy of the Qinglong, the head of the four great sacred beasts.

This gas field is much stronger than the stalwart Suzaku of Chi Yan!

The appearance of Qinglong, let the three eyes pass the beast, one with only the tail, the lower one, the eyes are full of horror.

The wind chime was still holding up the raised hand and fell heavily.

She stared blankly at the flashing place, incredulously whispered: "Really... wake up in advance, why... Why did she finally run into it..."

She is unwilling to open her eyes.

But, just seeing that the mighty Qinglong, falling toward the night, slowly lowered his noble head...


[First put two chapters~ See you at night~ What? 】

Why did the recent change of the murderer and the hard work, and the recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket of the baby were less provoked!

Ask for a ticket and ask for a ticket!

Thanks (good mushroom cool to good girlfriends) rewards ~ what?

(End of this chapter)

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