Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3172: When do you wake up (for the Lingxiao million coins reward plus more)

Chapter 3172, when will I wake up (for the Lingxiao million coins reward plus more)

A voice that only passes through the beasts, "吼吼吼", all kinds of jealousy.

I can't understand the language of the night.

But the three little friends around me can understand.

Ever since, Qiqi has successfully assumed the position of "translation".

The middle of the heavenly beast is the one that is convex and convex, and stands in front of two large-sized, but obviously old-fashioned dragons.

The old Tongtian beast asked: "Are you sure that the human being really left?"

The telescopically convex Tongtian beast snorted: "Of course, don't you see her leaving with your own eyes?"

The old Tongtian beast sighed: "The plan has reached the end, it will be able to close, we can not make a mistake, otherwise ... we will be destroyed."

"When is that thing, what time is it awake?" The telescopically convex Tongtian beast asked impatiently.

Laotongtian beast dropped his head: "There is no specific time. If that thing can wake up as soon as possible, we will not be subject to people."

The beast of the telescope is convex, and the beast is in the beast.

Laotongtian beast was worried and asked: "Can you be sure that the human being really left? The people there are clear, and absolutely cannot let the human being, and the thing hit..."

Jiaotian convex beast: "The people over there are not very clear about the investigation? The human being, because of the challenge, entered the forbidden land. When she finished the golden magnetic grass, she would leave."

A group of heavenly beasts, with their animal language, screaming and talking.

These beasts, through the translation of the seven seven, are all in the ears of the night.

That thing?

The people over there?

She guessed it was true.

Through the heavens, it really has some kind of plan.

Urged her to leave.

Just to prevent, she destroys their plans!

And these monsters who live in the forbidden land and are isolated from the outside world...

Behind it, there is another one, the person behind the control.

These aniseed, let the seven seven swaying the small head, very excited to the tongue toward the red flame: "Small flames ~ see, the master is so smart, just retreat, this is called a plan!"

The red flame snorted and shook his head.

"Don't make trouble." The night cleared, and touched the head of the seven seven, "Someone."

people? 1

Seven seven immediately twisted his head and looked at the direction of the owner's sight.

I saw a figure in the Tongtian beast that was piled up, and walked over.

The man, shrouded in a black robe, was covered with a layer of black gauze on his face, and he could not see the face of the man.

"Oh! Stupid!"

When the man appeared, he sneered and looked at the Tongtian beast, which was convex and convex, and the language was cold and full of ridicule.

"You don't understand how insidious and sinister the splashing person is. If you don't see the splashing person leaving the forbidden place, you can't rest assured!"

The attitude of the black robe people makes the telescopes and the beasts of the beasts, the beasts are disgusted, but they are extremely patient.

In the face of the black robe, the telescopically convex Tongtian beast is a mouthful of people saying: "It’s just an ordinary human being, and with two holy beasts, I dare not confront me, but also let you be so hearted?"

"Don't underestimate the splashing people! Hurry and let your men go and chase the splashing people! You must make sure that the splashing person is really leaving here!" The black robe screamed.

"You have made too big a problem." The telescopic convex Tongtian beg refused.

There are two holy beasts around the human being.

Even it was burned by Suzaku.

It is not willing to let its own companions chase the past.

If you let Suzaku find out.

Its companions are dangerous.


Complement [JK-N6 (凌兮)] 10000 book coins to reward the addition of ~

(End of this chapter)

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