Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3144: Sure enough, things are gathered together.

Chapter 3144 is really a matter of gathering

The face of the Eastern monarch is a piece of iron.

The fist clenched by anger, the roots of the blue veins burst.

This Hao Nanren, obviously remembered what happened to them in the Nanzhao mainland!

Faced with the discussion and distrust of the audience, the face of the Eastern monarch is getting more and more ugly.

Although, in this eastern continent, the status of Yu Yuzong is above the royal family.

But the existence of the royal family is to balance each other with Yu Yuzong!

If Yu Yuzong has to be willing to go his own way, he will not be afraid of Hao Erren!

The face of the Dongjun monarchy was cold and cold, and it was gradually solidified by the frost, and the gas field of the majestic and fierce was fully opened.

"Dongyi monarch."

Suddenly, a clearing voice broke the anger of the coming monarchy.

This voice is not loud.

However, it is gentle and slow, and the emotion of the Dongjun monarch is firmly suppressed.

The Eastern monarch quickly turned around and watched the night clear.

When he was stunned by the silence of the night, his back was cold and he lowered his head: "Yes, sorry... I can't lie to the people..."

"I understand." The night fell and waved and interrupted him. "Hao Nanren is catching you, letting you lose the trust of the people. If you say more, it is more wrong. Now Hao Nanren is waiting for you to be angry, as long as If you are angry, you will be angry and angry, and let Hao Nanren achieve his goal."

"Mrs. Emperor's lesson is." The East Sovereign monarchy swelled in emotions, and the double fists under the robes were tighter.

Originally, he is still considering.

How to do the conditions raised by the night clearing.

That is to say, the night is willing to help the East China mainland, and he has to meet the requirements.

When the dark palace came.

He wants to let all the forces in the mainland, and no one can lend a helping hand to Yu Yuzong.

Nirvana is dominated by Zongmen, and this condition is somewhat difficult for him.

In addition, he is ultimately Hao Nanren, but still can not bear a trace.

but now……

Hao Nanren has succeeded in making his last sigh of unbearable, all gone.

It happens that people of all major powers are here.

Then let's take this opportunity to let the major forces confront Yu Yuzong and stay away from it!

Yu Guang, the monarch of the Eastern Skull, glanced slightly in the direction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

In the heart of the dark, it is time to find a chance to explode the identity of the Emperor.

As long as the identity of the Emperor is revealed.


No one dares not to be convinced throughout the mainland!

This lingering light of the Eastern monarch did not escape the sight of the night.

Just a glance.

The night is clear and clear, and the practice of the monarch is clear.

This is also true, it is a good way to directly face Hao Nanren, and to differentiate Yu Yuzong and the major forces.

It is also possible for Cao Yu, the general of the country, to understand that as a general to protect the country, it was easy to be used as a gun.

Today is her okay.

If you change to someone else.

As a general to protect the country, every move may be related to the entire Yuyu City, and even the mainland!

The monarch of the Dongpu spotted the gaze of the night, and he looked at Cao Yu and looked at the night.

Suddenly, I understood what I thought in the night.

He coughed a little, some unnatural, and said with a little embarrassment: "The generals of the country are actually...not actually being shot by Hao Nanren, because he will be the son of his daughter-in-law... ”

Lan Lingnuo?


Clear at night: "..."

Sure enough, the brain is full of brain damage.

Lan Lingnuo’s brain-destroyed madness attracted the brains of the general of the country’s generals...

Things are gathered together!

(End of this chapter)

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