Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3120: Waiting for Yu Yuzong!

Chapter 3120 Waiting for Yu Yuzong!

The fat body is like the same beach meat.

Hao Nanren finally understood.

Why the Dongjun monarch came in, it was squatting in the direction of the night.

The people of the Eastern monarchy are not at night, but around her... Emperor!

By the side?

No... wait!

Why, the Emperor will sit next to the night?

What is the relationship between them? !

Hao Nanren instinctively seems to have missed an important message.

However, the clear voice of the Qing dynasty floating above the head has clearly indicated what he missed.

"The tone of the Sui Yuzong lord is really big."

The girl smiled at the opening, but the tone was extremely ridiculous. "Even my family, A Xuan, is not so arrogant."

My family... A Xuan?

my home……

my home……

These two words are constantly being played back in Hao Nanren’s mind.

He looked up slyly.

The eyes are staring at the night and the Emperor.

Then I saw the girl smiling and stunned, snuggling in the man's arms.

And the noble and elegant Emperor, is coveted, staring at the girl, laughing and pampering.

That dawn, almost gentle can pull out the water.

This is... what a favor?

Hao Nanren has been sweating again and again.

The night was clear and charming, and the eyes of Hao Nanren looked up at the eyes, and the smile became more and more evil: "So, we and Gu Zongzhu, waiting for the arrival of Yu Yuzong, I and A Xuan also want Seeing with your own eyes, how is the Sui Yuzong lord, under our eyes, turn the Nanzhao continent into...the world of Hao Nanren."

The sound of clearing at night is very light and slow.

It's like talking about something, unusual words.

Hao Nanren heard that the sweat of his body was straight.

The Eastern monarch immediately opened his mouth: "The Emperor, the Emperor... You are angry, you are angry... He, he is anxious..."

"Impatiently?" The night was clear and smirked. "In my opinion, he just saved the mind that he replaced it. You must know... Before the war, the sect of Zhai Yuzong was in front of me. It is more arrogant than today. ”

The Dongjun monarch was shocked and trembled: "Mrs. Emperor, even if he really has this thought, I will never allow him to do this..."

In the night, the hoes were smashed, and the lips of the lips were light and curved.

"The heart of the Eastern Sovereign, I naturally believe." The night was a faint smile. "Just...

She got up and slammed down like a flame in a red dress.

She walked slowly and walked over to the Dongjun monarch and Hao Nanren who were kneeling on the ground.

One step at a time.

Every step she takes.

The heart of the Dongjun monarch and Hao Nanren trembled.

For a moment, the night clearing station is set in front of the two.

She leaned over and smiled and raised the Dongjun monarch.

The sleeves of the Dongjun monarch have been wet with sweat.

On the night of the Qing dynasty, there was no such thing as disgusting and disgusting. I still looked at the full-bodied Dongjun monarch: "The Dongjun monarch is the heart of the people, I understand."

The Eastern monarch trembled.

After lifting the Dongjun monarch.

The sight of the night falls on Hao Nanren’s body: "The Sui Yuzong lord knows that the Dongjun monarch came to Nanzhao to find me specifically for what?"

Hao Nanren’s voice trembled and hesitated and replied: “Yes, it is because... the power of the dark palace has invaded... Dongpu, Dongpu mainland.”

"Since you are very clear about this, then... you can still speak righteously, lead Yu Yuzong, want to swear the danger... I have not thought about the consequences?"


[First two chapters ~ see the rest of the night ~]

PS: These three days because of the physical reasons of the ink, the daily update is less, and the ink lord apologizes here~

It’s been a lot better today, so I’ll start to restore the original update, and then slowly fill it up~

Thanks (Mu Xue), (Q, MD), (Liu Xiaoyue), (mn cat lemon), (掀 窥 君君), (珏珏), (天麟灵若[琪琪]) What?

(End of this chapter)

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