Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3099: Refining the secret room, destroyed once

Chapter 3099 Refining the Chamber of Secrets, Destroyed Once

The disciples of the dark palace were panicked.

Even with the clamp on the wind chimes, it was relaxed.

The wind chime screamed and violently struggling to pull a few people.

Petite body, squatting into the crowd, ran away.

At this time, the news brought by the disciples outside.

The entire secret room was in a panic.

The wind chimes escaped, and naturally no one cares.


I have been paying attention to the night of the wind chimes, but I feel a little strange.

If she remembers it correctly...

The chimney of the wind chime is not low.

However, from the time when the wind chimes appeared, to her hands, and was forced to pull the time...

She did not feel the fluctuation of the sinuousness from the body of the wind chimes.

Think of it again in Gufengcheng.

She was not aware of the proximity of the wind chimes.

She was also completely out of the "small wind", and she felt the slightest volatility...

How is this going?

The wind chime has joined the dark palace.

Use is to get the promise of the dark palace, or the benefits.

How is it possible... Losing mysterious steps?

The night cleared up and looked at the side of the emperor.

I don't know A Xuan, he found out that the wind chimes are different.

Emperor Mo Xuan Wei Wei side, facing her sight.

Lifted the big palm and stroked her head.

The warmth between the eyebrows, the pets.

Her other thoughts in her head looked at the disciples who had already rushed into the secret room.

"Go, let's ruin the refining of the dead bodies and save them."

At night, the hand of Emperor Mo Xuan was pulled up and walked toward the container of the refining dead body.

The dark priests heard this and immediately wanted to stop.

Behind them, the emperor's disciples have already swarmed forward.

The two sides are fighting together.

How can I stop the two and rush to the container?

A dozen of mysterious people sitting cross-legged next to the container, after hearing the fighting, there is no way to stop the refining.

Once stopped.

They will be swallowed up by the resentment of those souls in this container.

It is very likely that the body will be destroyed.

They had to bite their teeth and quickly want to refine them. The current group of dead people at hand.

at this time.

More than a dozen Xuan people clearly felt a chill, overwhelming.

The chilly breath lingers in their bodies.

In the ear, the girl’s crisp and sweet voice was faintly heard.

"Although... you are forced to do such a devastating thing by the dark palace... But what you did is to do it. In order to survive, the killing in your hands is too strong. ......"

The heart of the mysterious people suddenly became tight.

Then, the second half of the girl’s sentence has already sounded: “So... with your sins, and with these souls that have been refining, you will go into hell, you... must redeem.”

Several mysterious people opened their eyes.

Into the eyes, is like a nine-day mysterious woman fell into the dust of the city.

The girl is fascinated by the cold, and there is no half-emotion.

They opened their eyes in horror.

This is lost.

The resentment in the container instantly erodes their internal organs.

The mysterious people twitched in pain.

The next moment.

They only feel their body, like a fire burning.

Even the soul is tearing.

They realized that they were thrown into the refining container.

Burning in this raging fire with those refining souls and resentments.

"Booming -"

The last sound they heard was a deafening explosion.

The refining chamber was completely collapsed and destroyed.


[First put two chapters ~ See you at night~ What do you love my baby~]

(End of this chapter)

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