Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3095: I can stay in your heart too.

Chapter 3095, I can stay in your heart.

breeze? !

Is she at the base of the dark palace?

She really... In the safe area of ​​Gufeng City, there is another purpose!

The night fell to the thought of the scene in the safe area, Wang Pozi died and she was not allowed to leave.

I am afraid... I just listened to the instructions of Xiaofeng.

Want Wang Pozi, leave her in the safe area...


That Yang Pozi is a small wind to kill.

Otherwise, Yang Pozi will not be so shocked and unbelievable before he dies.

Killed Yang Pozi...

Just to stop her from leaving the safe area?

"You...what do you want to do?" The night was clear and the eyes were like a torch, staring at the small wind.

Xiaofeng did not pay attention to her.

Under the cover of the black gauze, the pair of burning eyes, staring at the people who were standing by the night...

The night fell to the side, looking at the calm man, and looked at the small wind.

She is slightly charming: "Know?"

Emperor Mo Xuan tightened her waist, her brows were slightly stunned, and she said faintly: "Yeah."

Actually, is the person who knows Di Mo Xuan?

It won't...

From the first sight, she felt the hostility of Xiaofeng to her.

Is it because of the emperor?

In the clear mind of the night, a figure flashed through the ground.

"Wind bells!!"

The clear sight of the night fell on the woman in the black robe, and for a moment, staring at her tightly: "You are a wind chime?!"


In the woman's mouth, a gentle laughter sounded.

Oh, it’s like coming from all directions.

"I was discovered by you..."

The woman’s voice is no longer the hoarseness of the previous, but the resounding voice of her.

The woman slowly opened the black gauze on her face and pulled the black robes on the cover.

The woman’s fabulous face was revealed in front of everyone’s eyes.

The beautiful and gentle face, the beauty is fascinating.

Can look forward to the temperament of the whole body, but like a snow mountain white lotus, cold and clean, unattainable.

This face is not a wind chime, but who else? !

At night, the eyebrows are close to the eyebrows, and the people who are watching the eyes are alert: "The wind chimes, you actually joined the dark palace!"

The wind chime hooked the lips and smiled softly.

The pair of affectionate eyes, still fascinated gazing at the face of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Almost greedy, staring at his face.

"No...not you found me, it is the emperor brother."

The wind chimes smiled, and the eyebrows were full of joy: "No matter what the bell is disguised, the emperor can recognize the little bell at a glance, and the little bell is really happy..."

The naked eyes that did not hide, made the face of the night clear and sinking.

The hand at the waist, in this moment, plus gravity.

The generous big palm gently pinched her waist.

It seems to be pacifying her.

Above the head, the man’s cold voice came: "The wind chime, are you sure, you want to join the dark palace?"

The wind chimes are flooding in the autumn, and the smile is beautiful: "In order to be able to return to the emperor's side, I can give up anything. There is no certain uncertainty. I have...the darkest palace."

"The dark palace is the enemy of the imperial palace, so... wind chimes, this is your own decision." The voice of Emperor Mo Xuan did not have the slightest ups and downs.

For him.

Whether the wind chime joins the dark palace, he does not matter.

He will not do it at all, but he will be merciless.

"Emperor brother, are you going to kill me?" The wind chime squinted, very delicate. "It’s good to kill me... well, I am a pro-grandmother, you killed me, it’s necessary to confront you, In this way, I can stay in your heart."


[Baby are simply not too smart! Just write a little wind, you know that she is provoked, hhhh once wanted to change the role, replaced with a new female, but think about it, only the wind chime can promote the plot ing~]

(End of this chapter)

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