Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3093: The one who ended you

Chapter 3093, the person who ended you

"Don't worry about these dead bodies, how to bring them out."

The voice was also mixed with a shallow smile: "These dead bodies are handed over to us."

The black robe man’s movements suddenly raised his head and looked at the sound: “Who!”

At Shimen, there are two figures walking slowly.

The girl's red dress is like a fire, and she is as enchanting as a flame, but she is coming, and the posture of the city is so addictive.

The man's purple robes, the glory of the genius, like a god, extraordinary temperament, it is a fall.

This pair of golden boys and girls stand together, simply don't be too eye-catching!

But... now, it’s not a time to be eye-catching!

The black robe was shocked and shocked: "Who are you?"

The night is clear and the mouth is smirking, and it is extremely brilliant: "It is the one who ends you."

The black robe bowed his head and looked at Si Yanmu, who was soft at his feet. He lifted his foot and slammed on him: "Is it you! You brought them in!"

Si Yan Mu was poisoned by erysipelas, and the internal organs were all colic.

It was an angry sigh of the black robe.

He slammed a large mouthful of blood.

"No, no... yes, they are..." Si Yanmu wanted to explain, but the **** smell was full, and he couldn’t utter a complete sentence in his throat.

"It doesn't matter who brought us in." The night cleared a smile. "The important thing is that you... you will disappear with this secret room."

The black robe slammed back and greeted the dead body on the side, rushing to the night.


Emperor Xu Xuan's sleeves swayed, a mysterious wave, and spread the yin that spread in the air.

The undulations, like ripples, spread out in a circle and then a circle.

Wherever you go.

The dead bodies are all fallen to the ground.

This powerful force shocked the black robe.

He tried to restrain his inner fear: "You don't have to work hard! These dead bodies are not beaten!"

The black robe squats and sneaks into the dead body.

Yes, the next moment.

He is not just shocked.

He was completely stunned and filled with fear.


The dead body that fell on the ground did not mean to climb any more.

Do not! This is impossible!

The black robe has wide eyes and a wave of his arms.

Once again, there were more than a dozen dead bodies, and they flocked to the front.

This time, Emperor Mo Xuan did not even move his sleeves.

The mysterious waves in the air have already smashed those dead bodies into two sections.


The dead body was smashing and fell to the ground.

The black robe was blind and staring at the dead body on the ground.

Didn't stand up!

The dead body did not stand up again!

How is this going?

Is the dead body not dead? If the guns and guns do not enter, will the water and fire not invade? !

Who is that man?

I can see that he has not made any effort at all...

It has been so strong that it has been used to this extent.

If... I really want to move my hand...

I am afraid that the dead body of the entire secret room is not necessarily his opponent!

The black robe was very horrified, staring at the eyes of Emperor Xu Xuan, full of fear.

In the entire secret room, in addition to the dozens of mysterious people who are still refining dead bodies.

There is only one person left, the person in charge of the dead body.

He must pass the news of the invasion of the Chamber of Secrets!

The black robe’s eyes turned, and the line of sight suddenly settled on the body of the night.

Look at the girl, always hiding behind the man.

It looks like young and extremely delicate.

That man can't move.

He started from the girl!


[This is still a supplement to yesterday's update~]

(End of this chapter)

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