Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3089: It seems that you prefer violence.

Chapter 3089 seems that you prefer violence

Just because it is too clear.

He has no room for rebellion now.


Si Yan Mu is in the bottom of his heart, angry and angry.

At night, the lip of the powder is deeper: "Go, continue down, and watch the secret of watching the secret chamber."

Si Yanmu glared at his teeth and glared at the night.


The elongated tail is transmitted to Si Yanmu.

He stood in a spirit and stood up suddenly: "You have to follow, just follow!"

He moved again and followed the ladder.

The ladder of that circle is really dizzying.

Si Yanmu walked slowly, stopped from time to time, and held his forehead to his head.

After walking for a long while, I walked half the ladder.

If the night falls, I still can't see it. Si Yanmu is deliberately delaying the time, then she has a pit in her head.

When Si Yanmu stopped again.

The cool, cool sound of the night came from behind: "You want to go on your own, or I will take you down."

Si Yan Mu's hand of the amount of support, suddenly a stiff.

At night, the arm of Emperor Xu Xuan was taken down, and slowly approached Si Yanmu: "It seems that you like violence."

Said, she slowly raised her foot.

Si Yanmu looked stiff and frustrated and stepped back a few steps, almost stepping down the stairs: "I am leaving, I am going... I am leaving!"

He groaned, stepping down the ladder.

After Si Yanmu cooperated, not long after, he quickly walked out of the ladder.

After the step, it is a long corridor.

The smell of the rotten rot is even more pungent.

Even Si Yanmu could not help but hold his nose.

What is even more shocking is...

On both sides of the promenade, they are barbed and hooked with a body that has been rancid.

"Oh... the dark palace is so good, it’s really wonderful, actually... likes to hide the body." The night cleared and the whole body was swept away and snorted.

Si Yanmu did not dare to look at the sides of the gallery.

He really didn't want to understand.

A woman, even facing such a disgusting thing, can still do not change her face.

It's not like a woman!

"President, what do you do in this place full of corpses?"

Si Yanmu looked ugly, but also because of the smell of the air, and the yin, and showed a bit pale.

The night fell and I was charming. "Don't you want to take the medicine?"

"You!" Si Yanmu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "You know that there is something in it. Why do you know why?"

"Where? We don't know." The night was clear and innocent, and the long eyelashes were stunned.

Si Yanmu's face was condensed, and his teeth continued: "You have less installed! Like the Holy Law, you know what the dead body is, and how to deal with the dead body, how can you not know where this is!"

The night shrugged and shook my shoulders and made a sudden realization: "Oh? It turned out that this is the place where the dead corpses are made."

"You...you..." Si Yanmu, this time, finally understood the purpose of the night.

The night is clear, I want to let him, expose the secret of the dark palace to her!



Si Yanmu secretly whispered in his heart.

The bottom of the eye is full of chills: "Do you think that you can escape here? As long as the dead body is driven, even if you can deal with dead bodies, you can't deal with them, all the dead bodies here!"

The night is clear and the lips are not smiling. "You are sure, do you have the ability to drive these dead bodies?"


[Forgot to say ~ Baby, Happy Lantern Festival~]

(End of this chapter)

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