Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3081: She is dead, what are you doing with me?

Chapter 3081 She is dead, what about me?

A people opened their heads.

Other people are like finding a common excuse.

It has been shown that they are all doing this for the soldiers.

The brazen words of the people made the generals laugh: "Worry about us? You think that this general is stupid, is it good to lie?"

"No... No, how can we have this meaning..." The people stuttered and explained.

Several open mouths were slowly closed.

The entire Valley Wind City, fell into a dead silence.

at this time.

The night that was suspected by the people cleared up and faintly opened: "Yangpo is dead?"

She spoke.

Immediately, the eyes of the people were quickly moved to the night.

The moment when the eyes touched the night.

The eyes of those people are full of hate.

In the face of the people's eyes, the night is just a slight smile, and the face is calm.

She came out from behind Di Mo Xuan.

Raise your hand.

The white hand is lifted like a jade.

Slender fingers, gently stroked in the air.

Everyone saw that the night was clear and step by step, slowly coming towards them.

The barrier that popped the people out.

As if there was no generality at all.

Seeing the clear figure at night, getting closer and closer.

The hatred on the faces of the people was replaced by fear and fear.

Shrink the neck one by one and immediately retreat.

Until, the night clearing station is not far from Wang Pozi.

The fascinating face of the city has a hint of sneer.

"I have to say a word for the general."

Her voice was cold and cold: "If the generals really don't care about your life and death, they will not build a so-called safe zone for you. In the generals, and even in the hearts of all the soldiers, your lives are better than them. It must be important."

She patted the people, and looked away from the people and looked at the safe area, the half-open door.

Once again, I sighed coldly: "You have saved so many people who have saved your life, but there is such a thought... I am really chilling for the soldiers."

The people were horrified by the gaze.

There was no cold sweat that could not be oozing out.

"Now, let's talk about... Yang Pozi's death." The night is half-length and long and narrow, "She is dead, what is the relationship with me?"

The people have been shaken by the generals and the gas field at night.

Did not dare to speak again.

Their dark eyes meet.

Finally, Wang Pozi, who was closest to the night, shuddered and said: "Besides you, who will kill Yang Pozi! Only you, yesterday, and Yang Pozi have a dispute, and only you, have the ability to kill Yang Pozi!"

"Do you have any evidence to prove that it is me?" The night fell sneer.

"I...I..." Wang Pozi’s body trembled. "Even if there is no evidence, it must be killed by you. No one else will kill Yangpo!"

The night cleared and snorted: "If I want to kill her, I can do it directly yesterday."

"You just want to escape responsibility, so you deliberately secretly killed Yang Pozi! You think so, we don't know if you killed it?" Wang Pozi stalked the neck and retorted.


The generals were unhappy and low-drinking. "What is the noise? Now look at the body of Yang Pozi!"

Wang Pozi is not reconciled: "But... the general, in addition to her and Yang Pozi's enmity, who else!"


[The first day of the day~ The rest of the night is updated~ What? 】

(End of this chapter)

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