Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3079: So I only asked you to accompany me.

Chapter 3079, so I only asked you to accompany me.

At night, I looked at the back of Tang Beiyu’s rapid departure, and shook his head helplessly.

This is the love for the refiner.

This is a complete refinement of Tang Beiyi, and he is unable to extricate himself.

The night cleared the line of sight and put away the fan-shaped fan. The whole person rushed to the man on the side: "A Xuan, my fan-shaped fan has grown!"

The man steadily caught the girl and put the morning meal in her hand into her mouth: "This is a reward."

At night, the small head arched his chest to his chest: "A Xuan, my fan of the fan has grown, and it has also blended the spirit of the yin..."

"The little drop is great." Di Mo Xuan put down the wooden chopsticks, and his arms stabilized her swaying body.

"Do you still understand what I mean?" The night fell to his head, his chin on his chest, the bright glamorous, staring at him.

Emperor Mo Xuan Fenghua has evoked thin lips: “The reward has passed, and it has been boasted. Is it still not satisfied? Or... You are reminding me of this action, another way of reward?”

In the second half of his sentence, the voice is low and magnetic.

As I said, there was a bright glare in the middle of the scorpion, staring deeply at her... her lips.

The night cleared his cheeks and he was red.

Simply, Jiao is too lazy to sprinkle.

She propped up her body, and the small hand hooked the neck of God Mo Xuan: "You have to try it with me, and the effect of the fan fan now!"

"No." Di Mo Xuan thought did not think, refused, "too dangerous."

"So I only asked you to accompany me." After the night fell, the two hands fell directly on the neck of Emperor Xu Xuan. "You will not accompany you!"

Emperor Mo Xuan quietly looked at the girl's charming look, the streamer of the eyes, but also a few smiles: "Well, I will accompany."

The night was clear and eyebrows, and the arm of Emperor Xu Xuan was hugged, and he hurriedly walked toward the door.

Sitting opposite the words and Qiao Jin, look at each other: "..."

Emperor Zun will agree to clear.

Not because the clearing is threatening with his neck.

But is it clear that the phrase "so I am looking for you to accompany me" is pleased?

I was fed a dog food early in the morning.

Are they still eating early breakfast?


When the night cleared and Emperor Xu Xuan just walked out of the inn's gate, they saw the generals and dozens of soldiers, who were sweating.

See the night clear.

The general turned and greeted them.

The night fell and waved, indicating that they would continue.

He took the Emperor Xu Xuan and walked toward another open space.

Gu Fengcheng was also destroyed because of this war.

There are a lot of empty spaces.

Looking around at night, I want to choose a place that will not disturb other people, try to fan the fan.

Haven't taken a few steps yet.

There was a loud noise behind him.

There are countless footsteps, and the heavy flies come.

"Stop! Stop! You give me a stop!"

A few sharp female voices, mixed with a lot of messy echoes.

At night, the eyebrows fell slightly and looked back.

I saw dozens of people, rushing up.

One by one with anger and an angry look, there is an ominous premonition at night.

The generals and other soldiers were also caught by this scene.

Then immediately stopped the drill and ran quickly.

They stopped most of the people.

But there are still more than a dozen people who have already rushed to the front of the night.

Running in front, the night has cleared the person who saw it yesterday, the mouth spit white bubble, twitching, and finally Wang Pozi, who was cured by Xiaofeng, reached out to catch the night.

Emperor Mo Xuan’s long arm was taken and the girl’s figure was removed.

An invisible barrier blocked Wang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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