Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3071: Let’s wait and see

Chapter 3071, let’s wait and see

After roaring for a while.

Gu Ming still does not return, and goes straight ahead.

"Well... well, you have a valley, I call you a brother, that is what I give you face!"

Just because of the current situation in Nanzhao mainland... Your so-called Gu Fengzong has long existed in name only!

Are you really taking yourself seriously?

I just watched how you were killed by the monsters in the dark palace! I just watched how you pushed the Nanzhao continent to extinction! ”

Gu Ming roared with a scorpion.

That voice can be heard by people in the entire backyard.

It’s clear that the night is clear and natural.

However, even if Hao Nanren did not deliberately aggravate the tone, she was also a mysterious person, and she also listened clearly from the beginning to the end of the dialogue between them.

After all, the two people did not mean to hide.


Hao Nanren, obviously, is deliberate, wanting to let the night clear and hear his roar.

This is also passed to the night.

He and Gu Ming talk about the collapse.

Hao Nanren believes that it is necessary to get his Qinglongzhu at night, and naturally he is not willing to leave.

Today, Gu Ming and his talk collapsed.

It’s sure to come over and remedy the night.

Hao Nanren also measured the heart.

As long as the night falls, it shows weakness.

He was very compassionate and forgave her.


Gu Ming dared to make him face!

If she wants Qinglongzhu at night, she can no longer cooperate with Gu Ming!

He, between the Sui Yuzong lord and a ruined Gufeng sect.

Anyone knows, choose to cooperate!

Hao Nanren is full of confidence and looks at the back of Gu Ming. His eyes are full of malice.

Where does Gu Ming do not understand, Hao Nanren’s plan.

His straight waist was a moment of stiffening.

There was a slight change in the look on the face.

"Gu Zongzhu."

The sound of the night clearing, melodious sounds, also interrupted the mood of Gu Ming.

Gu Ming looked up and saw his eyes clear, his heart slammed tightly, and he stepped over.

"Night girl, sorry... I didn't keep him."

The night was narrow and long, and the smile was gentle: "I didn't let you stay with him."

Gu Ming suddenly looked up.

"I am a person who has never liked to be strong. Since he does not want to cooperate with me, then he will forget it." The night fell silent and smiled.

"Yes..." Gu Mingjian's eyebrows are slightly embarrassed, hesitantly said, "How do you explain the Dongzhu monarch's side... That green dragon ball, isn't the night girl really wanting it?"

When Gu Ming asked this question, when asked about the export.

Far away from the corner, waiting for the night to clear down to Hao Nanren under his steps, his eyes lit up.


The next moment.

The girl is cold and sweet, like the voice of Zhu Yu’s falling, a word and a word, not introduced into the eardrum.

"Yes, nature is."

She paused.

Hao Nanren’s smile on his face was magnified, and he had already set his posture. His hands were behind him and he was very big.

Then, listening to the voice of the girl, it sounded again.

"Just, I will wait for him, put green dragon beads in his hands, cry and ask me to save him."

Hao Nanren proud of the mad smile, suddenly stiff on his face.

Little by little, it becomes dark and dark.

The eyes of his eyes smashed the fierce light, and they slammed into the night: "Cry for you? You dream!"

The night fell slowly and looked up slowly.

Dozens of meters in the air.

The cold eyes of the night are like a cold and boneless blade, squatting on Hao Nanren's body.

Her mouth was squatting, but she was extremely embarrassed to the extreme smile.

She stared at Hao Nanren so straight.

One word and one sentence, calmly and calmly said: "Let's wait and see."


[Sorry, because of some private affairs today, my mood is not very good, so I will update so much for the time being, I will try my best tomorrow~ Good night. 】

(End of this chapter)

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