Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3066: I want to wait for him.

Chapter 3066 I want to wait for him

"It is Lan Lingnuo who cooperates with chills."

This point, the night falls can be determined.

If the Dongjun monarch really cooperates with the dark palace, then he will not come to Nanzhao mainland when he is living in Nanzhao, and come to ask her.

His performance can never be faked.

As for Lan Lingnuo...

That is just a piece of the dark palace.

"Would you like to kill her?" Mo Yanying said one word at a time.

"No." The night fell and shook his head. "Let the peaches send people to stare at it. If Lan Lingnuo still can't learn, he doesn't have to be soft."

After all, if the Dongjun monarch really gave Qinglongzhu to her, she would come over.

It’s not impossible to change a blue Lingnuo life.

The night cleared the lips, revealing a radiant smile, and both hands were ringed on the neck of Mo Yuying, slightly bent down, and looked at Mo Zhenying.

"Well, a small shadow, don't think so much, the soldiers will stop, the water will cover the earth, you have to believe that you are able to clear the strength of your sister."

Mo Zhenying stared at her, frowning: "Not a sister."

"I am bigger than you." The night cleared her face.

"I am seventeen." Mo Zhenying has a word.

Clear at night: "..."

This Loli to the face of the explosion, I really can't see... her age.

Looking at the outside, Mo Zhenying is like a 12-year-old female doll.


She is only fifteen...

The night is silent, don't overdo it, and shift the topic: "Let's go out and see the brothers, and I don't know if Axuan is back."


Time flies, and soon night falls.

Emperor Xu Xuan has not returned yet.

Standing at the entrance of the inn at night, the eyebrows are close together.

Although very confident about the strength of Di Mo Xuan.

Yes, my heart, I still can't help but worry.

She squeezed the fanhead.

All the time...

A Xuan is using this mood, watching her fight?

Do not……

At the time, Axuan must be more flustered than she is now...

The strength of A Xuan is unparalleled.

And she...

The strength is far less than one tenth of A Xuan.

"Is still waiting for the Emperor?" Tang Beixuan came from behind.

At night, she looked at her and looked at the direction of the city gate: "He didn't say, when will he come back?"

"No." Tang Beiyi walked over to her side and patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, the Emperor will not have anything to do."

At night, the hands of the hands fell, and the slender fingers were intertwined.

Don't pinch the fingertips.

"I know, I just can't control the worry." The night sighed with a sigh. "A Xuan is very powerful, but the dark palace... too sinister and cunning, I am afraid they use Yin."

"No." Tang Beiyu pointed to the phoenix ring on her finger. "As long as the Emperor is in the world of Nirvana, if he is overcast, the phoenix will react."

The night fell and the mouth was gently covered with a fingertip.

The red-browed phoenix ring is as calm as ever, with no signs of partiality.

She clenched her hand: "Well."

"Do you want to take a break first? After the emperor returns, he will definitely go to the room to see you."

The night fell and shook his head: "I want to wait for him."

The eyes of Tang Bei’s eyes were envious and the smile of the corner of his mouth became a bit warmer: “I obviously came to comfort you, and it’s inexplicably being fed a dog’s food!”

She squatted on her stomach and made a look of "eat support": "I really envy you and the feelings of the Emperor, I have a fiancé who is equal to a fiancé, and I will go back to the room first."

(End of this chapter)

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