Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3058: I will send you to Huangquan’s road.

Chapter 3058, hand you the way to Huangquan

The people were hot on the face and hurriedly bowed their heads and dared not to watch the night.

Yang Pozi on the side of the small wind eagerly said: "That, it is because you hit me...have nothing to do with Xiaofeng girl!"

"Which eye do you see me hit you? Do you have any evidence to prove that I hit you?" The night fell and laughed. "Not to mention, if I want to start with you, how much effort does it take?"

She dismissed her lips and said: "The most important point... When the generals came to pick me up, who stopped me and prevented me from leaving? When I wanted to leave, who would have to add to play, stop me? go away?"

After all, she intended to point out, will look at the line, looking at Yang Pozi and Xiaofeng.

When the generals came to pick up, it was Yang Pozi who suddenly pleaded for mercy and died.

But before this, the night was clear, and there was no half-point, so that the generals, or what they showed, should be compared with them.

Later, Xiaofeng girl called the generals, and at the expense of themselves, begged the generals not to abandon them.

If placed in peacetime.

They are indeed unconditional and moved by the little girl.

Can be seen at the moment.

Let the night clear out one by one.

Coupled with Xiaofeng’s apparent understanding of the night, she always pretended not to know the night’s behavior...

Even if there is a batch of cult powder, unconditionally believe in Xiaofeng girl.

But there are still a lot of people, and the heart has a little respect for Xiaofeng.

The night is clear and charming, just sweeping through the eyes of the people, and they can see their thoughts.

See the purpose has been achieved.

I don’t want to waste time with them at night.

Calm and indifferent scorpion, looking coldly at the people.

The posture is elegant and elegant.

If you can say it, it is the muscles on the face, and it keeps twitching.

"You don't want to look at yourself too much. I am not a soldier. I don't have any noble sentiments and three views. I am mad at me. Even if you are ordinary people, I will not be soft."

All the people: "..." The feeling of just rising, is it swollen?

In the night, the words fell and turned, and the singer was cold and looked at Xiaofeng: "No matter who you are, what is the purpose, if you have to add to yourself... I don't mind, I will send you to Huangquan. The road, slowly play your big show."

The voice just fell.

The night has cleared the foot and walked toward the gate of the mansion.

The general was black with a face and still said: "You are good at it."

Then he followed the night and walked out.

The other soldiers are not willing to stay.

This time, no one dares to stop blocking.

Waiting for the night and other people's figure to disappear into the big house.

Yang Pozi endured the pain of her body and sighed softly: "Little girl, don't put the words of the little monk in your heart, she... she is deliberate!"

The woman next to me immediately answered: "We absolutely believe in you!"

The wind blew for a long time, and the body twitched and turned around, step by step, and returned to his place.

Yang Pozi wants to catch up.

The woman immediately took her: "Let Xiaofeng girl calm down, who is on the body, it is not good."

Yang Pozi looked at the little wind distressedly, and quickly looked at other people: "You will also believe that Xiaofeng girl is right! That little monk, obviously wants to frame our little girl!"

Yes, this time, the people did not echo as usual.


[Toothache... I feel like a tooth decay, afraid to fill my teeth! But it hurts! 】

(End of this chapter)

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