Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3030: The only elder

Chapter 3030, the only elder

The night fell and the arm was lowered.

Slim fingers, little by little, unconsciously caressing the pattern of the water bracelet.

In my mind, I think about it when I am in the Miao nationality.

She decided to cancel the contract with the old man and hand over the old man to the picture of Di Mo Xuan.

In my heart, there is a place, like a needle, smashing through the ground.


On the wrist, there was a sudden burning of heat.

At night, the fingers cleared and the eyes trembled.

I saw the pattern of the circle on the wrist ring, like the water ripples, and the circle began to swell up.

With the floating of the cherry blossom pattern.

The burning heat is also increasing.

This change in the water bracelet.

The eyes that made the night clear, lit up.

"Hey old man?!" At night, he sat down straight, and his fingers were once again covered with a flowing pattern.

The voice just fell.

At night, I only felt that the white light flashed in front of me, and there was a feeling of blindness.

The next moment.

It is already a familiar place.

It is the interior of the water bracelet!

Her knowledge of the gods once again entered the inside of the water bracelet!

At night, I couldn’t help but feel the excitement of my heart. I quickly rushed forward a few steps.

She looked around, white everything, searching for the figure she wanted to find.

"Hey old man! It's you... is you back, right?"

Her voice echoed in the water bracelet.

However, there was no response.

And around, all the old man likes to stay, and has never seen... the old man's figure.

The water bracelet is empty, like...

Except her.

There are no more, no other creatures.

There is no smell of the old man.

She couldn’t sense the inside of the water bracelet, and there was a breath of old man...

"Since...not you are back, why... I can enter the water bracelet again..."

At night, the pink lips trembled, and the faint whispered.

She lifted her wrist again.

Staring at the pattern that is still floating, like a living thing.

She laughed and tried very hard: "Does this want me to learn how to control the water bracelet?"

Responding to her.

There is still only a reverberation of four weeks.

At night, I slowly closed my eyes and poured my body back.

The slender back is attached to the cold ground.

Slowly raised his right hand and rested on his head.

"But the old man, I hope that you personally taught me to control the water bracelet... You are my own in this world... the only elder..."

Her sighs faintly.

The flowing cherry blossom pattern blocked her eyes.

The flirtatious red mansions are flowing.

It seems to be infiltrated into her eyes.

It’s a bit stinging at night.

She closed her mouth.

When I opened it again, I was on a pair of big, bell-like eyes.


Two huge... and golden eyes?

what is this? !

The night turned over and fell from the ground, watching the direction of the eyes with vigilance.

"You... yes, you..."

When the night falls on the eyes before seeing the eyes, the look on the face is full of mistakes.

In front of us, it is a huge furnace.

Bronze furnace tripod.

It is covered with golden golden light.

The eyes she only saw.

It is the body of Ding, the two golden eyes.

The night falls to the front of the furnace: "Ding, Ding Long? It turned out to be you..."

Inside the water bracelet, it should be an independent space.

In addition to her accident.

There should be no one, it can appear in this separate space of the water bracelet.

This is the best in front of me.

It was at the beginning that she took her blood and contracted with her God Dragon Ding - Ding Long.


[Happy New Year~ Come with your second New Year, in the future, please continue to advise!]

Thanks to the gold master (JK-N6) 10000 book coins for the reward ~ Happy New Year, rewards plus more, make up after the year ~

Thanks for the New Year's rewards (洢水月曦), (绿杨陌上), (肆柒)~

(End of this chapter)

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