Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3028: You can counter the weapon of the dead body, you have it!

Chapter 3028 can counter the weapon of the dead body, you have!

There is no evil in my heart, no darkness.

The suffocation of dead bodies can not erode people's hearts.

It will not, assimilated by the dead body, and become the skeleton of the dead body.


The longer the suffocating gas is in the body.

Even if it is not assimilated by dead bodies, it will be affected by suffocation and turned into carrion.

It is imperative to purify the suffocation of these soldiers in the body as soon as possible.

The night fell and they smiled at them: "You have a good rest. After the body recovers, there is still a big fight, waiting for you."

"Yes! Madame!"

The soldiers held their fists in both hands and answered in unison.

The soldiers in the lobby will be handed over to Di Mo Xuan to solve the problem.

She followed Tang Beiyi and walked into the room.

Just one will slam the door.

I heard the voice of Tang Beixiao's chuckle: "Mrs. Emperor... This title is indeed more suitable than the Emperor's mother."

At night, I coughed and coughed: "Don’t bother me, talk about business."

Tang Beiyi nodded. "I know what you want to ask, just... refining weapons, or refining more weapons without conditions. It's hard."

Tang Beiyi did not turn around: "In three days, we have produced forty-eight weapons, which is already the limit of the refining machine. It is because it is in the refining hall of the Imperial Palace, and there is no shortage of equipment for the refining equipment. But... we are now on the South China continent."

The look of the night fell and became dignified: "I understand what you mean."

Whether it is refining weapons or refining medicinal herbs.

Going out of the refining technology.

External conditions are also very important.

For example, refining locations, refining materials, etc.

In such a place in the South China mainland, the refining site is not good, and ... equipment is not complete.

Tang Beiyi is able to refine weapons.

I can't do the efficiency in the Imperial Palace, and the weapons are fine.

As a refiner.

It is absolutely impossible to allow yourself to refine any weapon with counterfeit goods.

In particular, it is like the refiner of the "Zongzong" level of Tang Beiyi.

For your own work, it is more heart-warming.

In addition, the Dark Palace is now obviously to speed up the invasion of the South China Sea.

It is absolutely impossible to give them time to refine their weapons.

"The dark side of the palace will surely continue to send dead bodies to capture the Valley Wind City." The night cleared and sighed, "If... can refine a weapon that is enough to counter most dead bodies..."

Her hand was gently applied to the wrist, the circle of the watermark printed on the circle.

In my heart, there is another sigh.

If the old man is there, he will definitely give her a good way...

"Most of the..." Tang Beiyu whispered the words of the night, and suddenly his eyes slammed and slammed his palms. "How come I didn't think of it! You can counter the weapons of most dead bodies, you have!"

The night fell and looked like: "I?"

Tang Beiyi’s excited hand put her on her shoulder: “The fan fan! Your flame fan is re-refined with your heart and heart! This fan also has your own Power! As long as you will fight against the mental power of the dead corpse, extract a part, and fuse with the fan, your fan fan can be much stronger than the one we refine at the Imperial Palace!"

Re-refining a good weapon, and then blending the spirit of the yin.

It takes a lot of time.

However, with an existing, high-quality weapon, directly blending mental power and dealing with dead bodies, it is more than enough!


[Baby, Happy New Year's Eve]

There will be updates in the evening~ Thanks (blood dream), (harleyquinn) rewards~ What?

(End of this chapter)

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